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'WADA has too much power' - video interview with Andrei Rodionenko - translation

Interview with Andrei Rodionenko
Translation by Liubov Baladzhaeva
The interview was recorded after CAS decision, but before IOC decision, when the team was still in Russia.

Rodionenko is not happy with how much power WADA currently has and he thinks that it should be reformed and limited in its power over athletes.

He thinks that the current doping scandal is a misunderstanding. There were some doping issues with Russia, but the reaction of the international sport community to these issues was exaggerated. Russia is not the only country that had issues with doping, there were athletes caught in USA, Kenya and many other countries. He thinks only the athletes who were caught doping should be punished, he opposes a blanket ban. Russian athletes were denied the presumption of innocence and that is not OK.

He says that the Russian lawyers and representatives who went to the CAS hearing weren’t really heard, no one cared what they had to say, everything was already decided before the hearing.

The doping scandal didn’t really affect the mood of the gymnastics team, because they aren’t involved and they didn’t really have any doping issues (he doesn’t talk about Kuksenkov).


  1. Doping is doping! Russia has been corrupted in sports field for a long time! It is mot the power of WADA but it's that Bach and Putin is on the same side. Clean athlete should not suffer but other athlete should not suffer more from doping used! For the justice, Russia should be banned but the truth is IOC and Putin is on the same side! That's the truth!!

    1. My child ... Try to inform and have concrete arguments to justify their opinion . Do not be moved by the emotion of his country, or attempt to punish unaware of clean and free athletes of this situation. use common sense before speaking their supposed " truths." ( But I do not know why I'm arguing with a hater but I try )

  2. Queen Elizabeth why you accept comments from these American haters ? They have no arguments , their goal is only spread hatred. I would have banned them all.

    1. Please see my participation guidelines. As long as comments are polite, do not make personal attacks, and are reasonably well reasoned, I see no need to ban anyone.


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