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Aliya Mustafina - new interview

Aliya in her new Olympic Games outfit.  The teams were kitted out at the Bosco Olympic centre in Moscow last week

'Europeans went quite well, for me personally and for the team.  There were no big blunders or falls and we were able to show a good result.  If we continue to work in the same way as we approach the Olympics, everything will be fine ... Although of course we will need to do a little more in Rio.  For the Olympic Games, everything will be right.

'My knee [Aliya suffered a torn meniscus for which she had surgery last November] is all right, there are no problems with it, I am not worried.

'We will try to fight for first place. But we will be happy with any medals. As usual, our main rivals will be the teams of America, China and the UK.

'It will now be very, very difficult to fight Simone Biles [in the AA] because she has a very large D score. In general, in the individual competition, my goal is just to perform well. The most important thing in the Olympic Games is to help the team.  [She says that she isn't focussing on one particular event].  The main thing is to do everything correctly.

'Gymnastics has never been a sport where there is anger or hostility between athletes from different countries. We are always very friendly, say hello, chat.  Sometimes we support each other.  For example at a competition in Baku [European Games 2014] Giulia Steingrueber's coach asked me to help prepare the bars.  I have no problem with this - it is normal in our sport.

'You always get nervous before the big competitions.  But I know what to expect at the Olympics and how to prepare.  This will be my second Olympics, it will be a little easier.

'I heard what is going on in track and field athletics [Russian athletes have been banned by the IAAF].  The way that this has happened is unfortunate.  I don't really know anything about it - at one point I heard that maybe the whole Russian team would not participate, but it was nothing serious.  I hope everything will be fine.

'We will continue to prepare over the coming weeks at the same intensity.  The only thing we have changed is our day off - which is now Wednesday, instead of Sunday.  We have done this to make sure that it will be easier to compete on a Sunday in Rio.  Otherwise - there is nothing new.'

Source -


  1. in the brackets where she said baku, it says [European Games 2014]. i believe it should say 2015.

  2. will russia be written in russian or english ?

  3. I really want her to fight for first but she doesn't seem like she can challenge anywhere. D scores are just too small. It is impossible for her to finish first on Floor, Team, or All Around. Becky, Daria, Madison and i'm sure which ever other Chinese best her on UB for D score and for BB, she will have to beat Simone. Her current Program doesn't have a single event that can challenge for gold BUT I'm positive if she hits flawlessly she can challenge on BB for a medal and maybe Russia can get a medal in TF. With larisa out and the Americans gaped at 2 AA, she can challenge for a bronze in AA BUT she HAS to be flawless or have others fall.

    As a fan this entire quad, I don't expect gold anymore, but what I do want to see from her is hit routines. I just want her to hit and end her career with strong routines. For me all that is missing now is a stronger floor. If she can hit everything, medal or no medal, I will be happy and content with how this quad ended.

    1. I think she looks good and is on the perfect track for both team and individual success in Rio. She has upgraded her bars and if she does her pak salto to shaposh (? I not good with element names) and brings back the Mustafina dismount, she will have one of the highest D scores. Even without the dismount she can easily contend for gold. Fan Yilin/Becky Downie have worse execution so if she gets her D score high emough, she can beat both. She is she's been better on beam this quad than I think she's ever been and has a very high D score potential there as well and can contend for a medal, especially with only 1 Romanian present. Lastly, she has upgraded floor and if she does her full in, double arabian, and triple twist, her D score will be over 6. Aliya is one of the most talented and determined gymnasts of all time, she will no doubt arrive in Rio ready for success.

    2. she has not unleashed her full potential yet for this year. for all we know she is saving everything. but knowing aliya she is happy with any medal regardless of the color. she does not focus mainly on how she will fit against her rivals but moreso she is focused on performing well for herself without thinking of the on going competition as what we have known to do all this years. she will do better. surprise is her cup of tea.

  4. I'm worried. I dont feel her confidence in this interview. Seems like she is saying that she wont fight for any individual medal. Deep inside i had expectations we would see her get some medals.

  5. "'Gymnastics has never been a sport where there is anger or hostility between athletes from different countries. We are always very friendly, say hello, chat. Sometimes we support each other. For example at a competition in Baku [European Games 2014] Giulia Steingrueber's coach asked me to help prepare the bars. I have no problem with this - it is normal in our sport."

    I hope NBC, through Al Trautwig and Tim Dagget, gets to read this. For the longest time, they've painted Russian gymnasts as divas. So sick of it really.

  6. If the team is likely to be Aliya, Angelina, Paseka, Spiridonova and Seda wouldn't it be a better choice to take Kapitonova to perform UB, BB and FX and leave Spiridonova as alternate?
    I mean Kapitonova can contribute with a very good score on UB and besides she has a higher potential scoring on floor (comparing to Paseka) and beam (comparing to Spiridonova).

    1. Oh please! Kapitonova loose UB to Seda at not domestic meet :/ and her FX usually around 13,5-13,7 it's not enough make team and don't forget that domestic scores which will be not so high international...Plus it will be more shitshow than it was Grishi in London , if russians take Kapi to Rio team tbh

    2. Based off comments from the coaches I think they're hoping to put Afan on, probably for Seda...but they logically can't make that switch if she doesn't have beam, which she 95% won't. Surely this became apparent to them after Spiridonova missed every single beam routine they had her do at Russian Cup, all of 4 of them. But Russia's not always logical, and I'm kind of worried if Spiridonova hits even 1 beam routine at the next internal test they'll do it because I think they will bend over backwards if there's any chance to put Afan on this team, even if she's not healthy and only has 1 event.

    3. Interesting comment - could you clarify you source please? Are these recent verbatim comments following testing, or your interpretation of items you have read in the press?

      If they have decided to target EF medals over team and AA then it makes sense that Afan and Spiri would be favoured over Tutkhalyan.

    4. Queen Elizabeth, rn after tuesday test on Round Lake Tutkhalyan is part of the team, and Afan and Kapi are traveling alt.

    5. Oh, it's nothing beyond my own interpretation at the moment. There have been many comments made about focusing on reliable candidates, including both before and after Russian Cup. Andrei at least seems to be stressing here ( that the nominative team is still a nominative team which may change depending on how unnamed gymnasts recover from injury and how gymnasts perform at a final control training. Nothing verbatim, only what I think has been implied here and elsewhere. It's consistent with the "things still depend on the health of Afanasyeva" comment that was made when they announced the nominative team.

    6. I'll add that the 95% likelihood of Afan not having beam number is just my own estimation, hah. But I think they've said at one point if she's cleared she'll only be expected to contribute floor. And I think it's incredibly unlikely she'll have it back when she's hardly done it since 2013, and when she always seems to end up dropping it even when she is put on a start list to compete it. They know how badly the team needs beam workers - I don't think her continually dropping the event is something that was done lightly.

    7. Thanks for the explanation Anon 1 - and for the updates from Round Lake, Anon 2. So there will be two travelling reserves. The final decision will be last minute - I feel in particular for whoever misses out.

    8. Queen Elizabeth, yes, there will be two travelling reserves for Russian women team at Rio. Btw there will be another test on trainings these saturday(16/07/2016), maybe after that Rodionenkos will do the final final decision. But it for sure that Afan will be only alt

    9. is there any new info about how alyia is doing at this trainings?

    10. Aliya is training all 4 apparatus at this final champ, also her bars looks much more good than it was at Russian Cup.

    11. Omg anon¡¡¡
      Any news, a bit more specific??

      Is amazing how everything changed so suddenly, by 2015 I was so happy to see Komova back doing all around, Afanasyeva back in competition form, Paseka hitting vaults, Mustafina upgrading some of her exercises...
      And now, it seems like Russians are just taking whoever that's healthy and they are even in a very tight position where they don't even have enough gymnasts¡¡¡¡
      I know they will surprise but ahhhh, it's roller coaster with the Russian team... which I think is why everyone loves them haha.

      In other side, don't you guys get tired of how fake all the American gymnasts are? They are super media trained, boring.

    12. American gymnast catty side came out after Team Selection. McKayla Skinner is losing her mind.

    13. Is there really anything wrong with being trained on how to handle the media, or how to talk to the media?


    14. @ Todd
      I think that depends on the public, in this case, Americans tend to be pretty fake (i live in the US and I can see how everyone tries too hard to be polite) so I guess for them there is nothing wrong with it, however when you hear gymnasts on interviews they all say the same, just listen to gabby douglas, that is the fakest haha. "I'm so honored to represent USA" "I worked so hard" "these girls are my best friends"
      Please, we are tired of listening to those answered over and over again haha.

    15. They are only very young girls, and there is no requirement for them to be entertaining (on or off the apparatus!).
      It always surprises me how inconsistent people can be (present company apart). On the one hand the Russians, Italians etc can be criticised for their off guard moments (thinking more Valentina than Ferlitto or Komova, where obviously things got out of hand) and on the other, gymnasts are labelled robotic - not just the US, I haven't heard much original stuff from the British girls either ...
      Perhaps it is just a question of filtering who speaks to the press - Tutkhalyan, Afanasyeva, Melnikova and Mustafina all seem to be engaging and level headed. Read Melnikova's latest interview - so mature and sensible.

      I think it is important to let the girls be themselves.

    16. I live in New England and follow American football. For those that do not, and for those that don't know much about the sport, I will sum it up briefly. The coach of the team is Bill Belichick. He is a control freak. He wants to control every aspect of his team including what the players say and how they talk to the media.

      What this does is it gives the opposing team nothing to use as motivation since Bill and his players are always saying how amazingly good their opponent of the week is (even if they are not very good at all). It can make the players all seem very robotic in their answers. It especially makes Bill seem very robotic.

      I can imagine Marta is a control freak as much as Bill is. I can imagine her saying to them, "Don't say anything bad about the opposing gymnasts, countries or the judges and their scores. Always be complementary, thankful, and focused on team first."

      I don't think this is a bas thing necessarily, but then again I may be used to it from watching my football team. :)


    17. I think that is a really good point, Todd, and probably a really good strategy for protecting your team from unnecessary stress.
      Am I alone in thinking that Komova's outburst last autumn disadvantaged her in the UB final? Both from the mindset of the judges and her own psychological readiness, it can't have helped. Girls will be girls - and I love how open the Russians are - but perhaps it's best to put social media to one side during major competitions.

    18. Queen Elizabeth, according to press-releases, july 20 will be media day at Russian Women's and men's teams at Round Lake, there Rodionenkos will announce the final teams members for Rio( it start at 11 AM Msc)

  7. Queen Elizabeth, today was test trainings at Round Lake here are the photo of the Rio women squad :)

    1. Thank you! But I can't open the link, I'm afraid ...
      x Elizabeth

  8. I don't see Afanaseva. Mustafina, Paseka, Seda, Melnikova, and I am not sure who the sixth girl is.

    1. I think these are some young gymnasts :-)

    2. That is Kapitanova:)
      I think we just got a glance of the Russian team!!! ♡♡♡

    3. Queen Elizabeth, on the photo you can see Tutkhalyan, Mustafina, Spiridonova, Kapitonova, Melnikova, Paseka(from left to rigth), and you can find it on Kalugina facebook page :) PS Afan is in hospital in Khimki all thise weel ;(

  9. Queen Elizabeth, here photoset from 15/07/2016 from Round Like when Minister of sport(Mutko) was at gymnastics trainings( men and women) girls looks happy :)

  10. Queen Elizabeth, picturs are not from yesterday's control competition, but from friday july 15 ;)

  11. Queen Elizabeth, Seda did not won the AA it was her birthday(july 15th), that why Mutko awarded flowers to her :)

  12. Oops. It's late, and I am blogging too much. Will correct! Xx

  13. Nikita Nagornyi new video from his blog inc funny team Russia visite at Bosco Rio Olympic Games outfit PS Kolya is adorable))) Aliya is so kind and beautiful in it!)


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