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The Russian team for Rio - full list of all competitors in all sports

The Russian Olympic Committee today met to discuss a number of matters, but most importantly to endorse the team selections in all sports.  Andrei Rodionenko will announce the names formally tomorrow, but in the meantime, we already have the official list and more.

  It pretty much confirms what we already know - in Russian alphabetical order according to the list - Ablyazin, Belyavski, Ignatyev, Kuksenkov, Melnikova, Mustafina, Nagorny, Paseka, Spiridonova, Tutkhalyan.  Reserves - Afanasyeva, Kapitonova, Polyashov, Stretovich.

You can access the full list for all sports here - - with many thanks to our anonymous contributor.

Tomorrow the Court of Arbitration in Sport will issue its findings about the legality of the banning of Russia's entire Track and Field athletics team from the Rio Olympics.  The IOC will take the CAS findings into account when making a decision about how they will act on the revelations in the McLaren report.  If CAS supports a ban of the whole athletics team without individual exceptions, then the  IOC might take this as an endorsement of its proposed blanket ban of all Russian sport.  

The legalities of agreeing a blanket ban are difficult, as this would essentially involve a subversion of the usual fundamental principle - innocent until proved guilty.   

The ROC has categorically ruled out the idea of any boycott of the Olympic Games.  President Alexander Zhukov says this is because a boycott may well precipitate the death of the Olympic movement.

There are two options besides the total ban that are being discussed in the press  - (1) Individuals are offered exemptions on the basis of their clean doping records (2) sports are offered exemptions on the basis of their clean records, with the individual sports governing body making the call.  Either of these would be good for gymnastics, but we will have to wait until Sunday to find out.  Which is the day that the Russian team fly out to Rio.

Denis, David, Nikita, Nikolai, Angelina, Aliya, Nikita, Maria, Daria, Seda, Ksenia, Natalia, Vladislav, Ivan - you are all great Olympians.  We will be with you every step of the way!  Good luck with your preparations!  Keep training well and the results will come.  Davai!


  1. No Valentina Rodionenko on the team??? Who is going to do floor and Amanars? :)

  2. I'd love love love to see Irina Viner coaching the next quad of Russian WAG. I know she is WRG coach but I give her all the Kudos in the world. She is the Russian Marta & knows what she is doing. At least, worst case scenario, she will be better than Valentina AND Valentina could get nowhere near any WAG :)

  3. We used to gnash our teeth about who would make the Russian gymnastics teams for Rio. Now, I just hope they are there at all. After all of this high level drama, it seems petty to argue about the possibility of Seda falling off beam in Rio.

    Strangely, this McClaren report controversy has made all of us root harder for the Russian teams. I hope the team podium for WAG is: US, China, and Russia. And I hope Seda rocks the beam during team finals. :)

    I hope the Russian men have a good competition. They, too, may get the team bronze.

  4. According to todays post from Afan( by VK) she will not travel to Rio, bcz now she has a Stent in her body and is in hospital for now ;(

  5. Looks like Melnikova has an injury and out from Rio team. Poor russia and esp Aliya( they capitan).

  6. Short interview whit Mustafina from today's mediaDay at Round Lake PS she talks about beam, Aliya says that bb is easy apparatus from all in AR for her :)

  7. V. Rodionenko about CAS decision, and that Russian gymnastic federation will be against Rio boycott! Also she says that if IOC will ban all russian athletes in all sport in Rio it will be almost killing the gymnastics in russia for current generation!

    1. Now there two factors killing Russian gymnastics IOC ban in addition to Valentina Rodionenko.

  8. Rodionenko says that Ksenia Afanasyeva is retiring from gymnastics by health issues

  9. Here it is now officeal the Rio teams from today from A. Rodionenko, women: Mustafina(tean capitan), Melnikova, Tutkhalyan, Paseka, Spiridonova( alt Kapitonova and Shelgunova), men: Kuksenkov( team capitan), Belyavskiy, Nagorniy, Ableazin, Ignatyen( alt Stretovich and Polyashow)

    1. Ops Mustafina teaM Captain and Kuksenkov too *)

  10. Andrey Rodionenko disagreed to his wife and he says that only under the Russian flag the team will perform in Rio

  11. Angelina Melnikova did a great montage, about Russian Women's Olympic Team in Rio!)

  12. Well Mustafina and Kuksenkov( team captains) say today than they only will perform under russian flag, also Aliya said "You need to overlook these things and just do their job. And despite all the difficulties have to overcome, and we will be rewarded. "

  13. Some wisdom words from Aliya Mustafina, from today


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