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Provisional teams for Rio announced

WAG - Paseka, Mustafina, Melnikova, Tutkhalyan, Spiridonova.  Still some decisions to be made on the basis of the health of Afanasyeva and Mustafina.  Andrei Rodionenko repeats the idea that Lilia Akhaimova (won today's Russia Cup FX final) may be called upon - but we know that Lilia doesn't have an FIG license. (Does anyone know the rules?  I thought athletes needed to be registered in advance.). He names Kapitonova as the reserve.

MAG - Belyavski, Kuksenkov, Ignatyev, Nagorny, Ablyazin.  Reserves are Stretovich and Polyashov.

I understand that the final teams have to be submitted to President Putin via the ROC on the 20th July. So these teams are provisional and won't be fixed before then.  The women's team in particular is still in a state of flux.  There may well be contradictory reports circulating as I post this blog 🐶. It is all quite exhausting for us, and we don't even have to train.  Please watch the comments for updates and let me know if you find any information.

Finally (thanks to Anon), Andrei Rodionenko has explained it was never in the plan for Mustafina to do EF - she was in Penza to try out her AA competition only.  Source -

Well done to all the gymnasts!  Congratulations, and good luck as you enter the final stages of preparation.  We are all thinking of you.

Update - the teams will travel to Rio in the 24th July.


  1. Queen Elizabeth, now it is Andrey not Valentina LOL PS Herea Andrey about Mustafina

  2. Well it seems to be it until we find out if Afan gets cleared, I imagine she would replace Spiridonova who is also likely to compete 1 event where she is a medal contender but it worries me to require Afanasyeva to perform high difficulty with such a recent procedure.
    Spiridonova is so beautiful on bars and has the 3rd highest difficulty in the world.
    Mustafina is essential to any scenario, without her, it looks dark.
    On a last case scenario Spiri/Seda/Angelina could do bars and Paseka/Angelina/Seda cover floor.
    Or if Afan get's lined up for floor Angelina and Seda would contribute but what would be of beam ...
    My impression is that Kapitonova is an excellent bar worker but scores 13s on other events

  3. As much as it bothers me that Seda is on the team, I somehow think that this is the right time for her to mke up for all the mistakes and falls that she's had in the last international competition.

  4. How Aliya is supposed to be an all' around competitor ? Are the rodio coompletely braindevasted ?.....I think she should hit the bars final more than everything. There are 2 AA in the team and they are gelya and seda... there's no need to have 3 AA. I hope this is just One of their "so well know" strategy..sorry for bad english ��

    1. Aliya will be the Best Russian all'around competitor in Rio and she will fight for silver medal in AA!Bcz Mustafina is not only truly fantastic Ub worker, but also a born all arounder! Newer count Mustafina, she is magical and truly Queen!

    2. lol if Aliya is healthy, undoubtedly she will be the only all-arounder who can fight for a medal in rio. Basically Gelya and Seda cannot outscore Aliya in each and every apparatus.

    3. She is a strong gymnast but i see things with cold-mind..and she isn't so good in floor and vault like Melni and on beam she is at same level of melnikova (exellent). The truth for me is this: she was a Queen in 2009/10/12/15(just baku) but now she Can only hit UB. This is my opinion and please , i hate to read comment like " she is the Queen she will win ecc. " Less fanatism we are not on her instagram account. Respect to everyone

    4. The one thing you're counting out is that this is Aliya, who is superb at competing on the big stage. Her best performances usually come under the greatest pressure. That's what sets her apart from most other gymnasts. For that reason I'd never count her out. Everyone thought she looked like a hot mess in Euros PT (and she did) but her performances when it counted were as good as one could expect. As far as only hitting UB, well, she's the current European beam champion..

    5. Dude please look at these year ECh results and think twice before you next time will write such thing about Mustafina , coz she won 3 on 3 from Melnikova even not in the best physic condition and plus last minute call on fx ! P.S. Also don't believe in russian domestic score's , especially on bb coz int there will biiig difference... remember Kharenkova bb 15.8/d 6.8 which int transformed in max 15.133/d 6.3 P.P.S. once again Mustafina is a truly born all arounder! Btw did you see how higth now Aliya is vaulting and doin her tumblings on fx? if no... shame on you once again :D

  5. Who won the beam final?

    1. Melnikova won beam scoring 15.45

  6. Sedaphobia again!
    How many times did Iordache fall off beam? At how many finals?
    Seda is inconsistent, but she has a good program.

  7. WOW that Men's Russian Team is PHENOMENAL

  8. Has Kapi just the same d-score at UB than Spiridonova ? If it is true, she should be a better choice ... Seda is inconsistent but so fearless. I love all of them.

  9. Why didn't they pay attention to gymnasts such as Sidorova or Leila Akhaimova? Were they training at Round lake?
    It's all so weird...
    Rodionenko even hints at the possibility of Mustafina not competing at the AA. Who understands them?

    1. Sidorova was on the NT last quad but has suffered back injuries and two ACL tears. She's been rehabilitating at home. Her personal coach was Olga Sagina (Maria Kharenkova's coach, who moved to Round Lake to train Maria K). Akhaimova has been on the NT Reserve for years. She's not good enough at other events to be on NT nor is her FX outstanding enough (ie medal worthy) to put her on NT alone, though she had a great performance.

  10. Noooooooo anyone but Seda! Ugh I strongly hope this team changes because they really can't compete with the US and China with a guaranteed fall on beam and maybe another event. I know people like to stick up for Seda but this is the Olympics and as sweet as she is or as hard a worker as she is or as fearless as she is, she is simple not good enough. Let's pray that she can prove me wrong but this team is currently a mess. I don't see how they can replace Spiri with Afan, I guess they would only put up 3 in qualifications and hope Seda magically learns how to stay on. Of course I would prefer Afan in place of Seda but unfortunately, they need another bean. I wish they would push all the girls to train every event, even if it is very poor. If the US had to put up Raisman on bars she could make do, but Russia simply can't use certain gymnasts on certain events because they don't even train them. Ugh. They better start building their AAers for the 2020 team because they will be crucial.

    1. Spiridonova missed every beam routine this weekend (and the coaches had her do 4!) and she scores in the 12s with a miss. Kapitonova also has a hard time breaking 14 with a hit. Kharenkova is out and like you said Afan is unlikely to have beam if she's even ready at all - they don't have a choice besides Seda unless they want to use Spiri and probably count a 12. Or an 11 if she falls twice, which she also did during this competition. I really wish Komova had dropped AA to focus on UB and BB, because even though we don't have confirmation on what caused her back problems to get so bad I kind of suspect trying to get back to being competitive on all 4 events caused it.

      Also I think Russia does generally push the younger girls to train AA no matter how bad some of their events are, that's why we ended up with Spiri winning Russian Cup last year. It's only the older, chronically injured ones who have dropped events. Several of their juniors seem a bit more well-rounded, the challenge as always is going to be seeing which ones survive puberty. Skrypnik was a pretty exciting junior in 2014 and early 2015, and she's grown a lot and regressed badly as a result.

    2. Anon is right. Who else is there to do BB? Seda falls, yes, but even with a fall she outscores hit routines by Spiri. Kapitonova is nearly as unreliable as Seda and is again lower scoring. The best options are now off the table: Afan, bc she won't have time to recover BB, she would've been a good option cos she was reliable and clean, and Komova (UB/BB specialist in Spiri's place). I love Seda but she wouldn't be my top choice, but basically she's currently the most usable choice. Paseka droped beam years and years ago.

  11. I agree completely. I just cant understand why Rodionenkos act like if Sidorova was not there. She could help the team on beam and especially on floor. And given the current squad they really need to improve their fx score.

  12. Well Valentina Rodionenko say that Aliya was go to Moscow earlier, coz of doctors recommendations to the prescribed time schedule of treatment of her back (injections strictly). And Afan , Akhaimova will be alt , also that they need 3 fx around 14.5 O_O

  13. I Can t see my replys... bha! It s So sad to verify

  14. President of Russian Olympic Committee Zhukov told today that july 20 is the last day to naim the teams in all sports for Rio

  15. Queen Elizabeth, July 18th is the athlete entry deadline by IOC rules.

  16. Todays big interview from Andrey Rodionenko PS He says that few people can cange in olympic team after training test,about Seda promotion among adults gymnasts, Mustafinas perspectivs in team and AA at Rio, WADa and etc...

  17. Melnokova pre Rio interview from today Also Paseka pre Rio interview from yesterday


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