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Interview with the head coach of the Russian national team in gymnastics
Head coach of the Russian national team in gymnastics told about choosing the composition, doping tests, the prospects Mustafina and Komova care.
Head coach of the Russian national artistic gymnastics Andrey Rodionenko in an interview with "Championship" said about choosing the composition of the Olympic Games, the problems and the willingness of leaders, the final preparatory stage and competition.

- How difficult it was for you to choose the composition of the Olympic and what role it played in the competition for the Cup of Russia?
- This structure is preliminary, and there may be changes. There are people who are not in the best state of readiness after the injury, so to speak about the final composition prematurely.

- Whom exactly do you mean?
- I do not want to name names in public, but we are talking about a couple of people. They train and work, so would not like to put pressure on them. They have two weeks to recover. Before leaving, they will conduct modeling and control training, which will answer the question of the final composition of the team. We need to announce it two weeks before the Games begin. We will focus on the most reliable candidates.

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- Aliya Mustafina at the Cup of Russia took third place. How to evaluate its current form?
- Fine. It gradually enters into a rut. She has performed at the European Championship, so it was the first start for the all-around. It continues to produce the all-around, since it is a completely different competition, unlike the species. They can be compared with the all-around in athletics.

- She herself said that to a greater extent even counts on a team competition than a private all-around.
- She has a right to their opinion. It is nice to hear that it is so important team competition. It generally command a fighter, and this is typical for her.

- When the flight to Brazil?
- 24th - the day of the official opening of the Olympic Village. In the morning we fly, and in the evening of the same day will be in Rio, two weeks before the start, as recommended by medicine and science.

- Seda Toutkhalian well in last year's European games this season and appears not so bright. What happened to her?
- This is a completely different competition. European games in Baku - the competition for beginner gymnasts. Their level is incomparable, so we should not overestimate success to them. It is necessary to look at the results of the competition for mature gymnasts, where you have to manifest itself in an adult.

- How to evaluate the performance of men in the European Championship?
- UEFA European Football Championship and the Olympic Games - different competition format. In Switzerland, there was all-round, there were only certain types, so we should not overestimate the significance of these results. These launches can only be regarded as a test in preparation for the Olympic Games, not more.

- Victoria Komova can still change her mind or her care the final decision?
- Only she can answer that question. When the person is finished, nobody has the right to advise him and to influence the adoption of an independent decision. We know the same thing as you. It stops the workout due to the worsening of the disease back and everything.

- The team has medal plan for the Olympic Games?
- No. Specific tasks there is a problem in a decent performance at the Olympics. But it is a sport, and the number of medals at the Games planning in advance and counting can not be. We are preparing a very serious fight and want to show there is a very good gym.

- Now the circle of applicants for medals in gymnastics wider than, say, 20 years ago?
- The gym has always been a lot of competition, except for the time when she appeared in the Olympic Games. She has more than a dozen years. Now it has increased even more, especially in the men's gymnastics. More than 20 countries are able to win a medal. Women, too, among the contenders around 12 countries. And this applies to all formats of the competition. Besides strong teams have individual members who represent themselves and act in certain types of all-round. At the last World Cup they won one of three awards and will increase competition here.

- Against the background of doping scandals last year, the team feels the attention of officers WADA?
- We never touched it. We have in the gym was not doping cases, so work with us as always, and we are ready and familiar. We have always been for a long time and repeatedly checked, but there was not even a suspicion against gymnasts, because we have never done it and did not intend to use. Our training system requires honest and noble competition in all areas.
Author: Alexander Kruglov
Image: "RIA Novosti"
Source: "Championship"


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