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Ksenia Afanasyeva takes retirement

Leading Russian gymnast since 2007, Ksenia Afanasyeva has retired from gymnastics for medical reasons, reports Alexei Fililov from R Sport.  

Valentina Rodionenko explained that Ksenia has a serious kidney illness. She is in hospital and will take not just days but weeks to recover.

Afanasyeva is not just a brilliant gymnast but also a kind, humourous and intelligent team captain.  Her presence will be missed by both spectators and fellow competitors in Rio.

Ksenia's place on the Russian team travelling to Rio on Sunday will be taken by the experienced and well prepared Evgenia Shelgunova.

RRG would like to wish Ksenia a full recovery.  Get well soon, Ksenia and we will look forward to hearing about your next steps in your new life.


  1. Big interview from Valentina Rodionenko about all that happen now and if IOC will ban full Russian team from Rio

  2. I must have spent hours rewatching her floor routines. Her artistry and the maturity of her performance were unmatched. Her elaborate and daring choreography will be missed.
    She truly is one of the greats.

  3. Deeply sorry to hear this about Ksenia. It is time for her to move to the status of the Russian Greats to survive Valentina. So the Russian team is getting extinct one by one. Valentina prevails once again. Since Marta is retiring after Rio I think the Americans should consider Valentina. Great choice! Love that scenario ;)

  4. I've loved Afan. Most stoical Russian gymnast at 2012. I wish her a speedy recovcery and all the best for the future.

  5. This woman was truly an artist, and will be missed. Get well soon, Ksenia!!

  6. I really hope that she decides to make a comeback after the Rio Olympics. Her artistry and elegance on floor are absolutely unique and when I used to watch her routines I'd get a funny ache in my stomach because her routines were just so beautiful. If she really is retiring I hope she ends up as the principal dancer in the Bolshoi Ballet so we all still get to see those gorgeous movements that she does


  7. Ksenia, one of my all time favorites to watch on the FX keeping russian ballet style of dance a strong force and a vital element in WAG a must. great execution, balance, and always wonderfully woven together with her own personal flare. Just amazing!!!!


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