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Russia - European Team Champions

Congratulations to Russia!  A gold medal in the team Championships.  First in Europe with a thoroughly  outstanding team effort.

Britain performed well, too, but had a few errors on rings and vault.  It would have been even closer if both teams had avoided error!

I want to think specially well of Ukraine, too.  A few days before the Championships, nobody knew if they could come.  The FIG rightly helped their Federation to travel to Bulgaria - and now they have a bronze medal!

After the battle - tired, but happy.


  1. Good Job for the men!!! First time in a while they hadn't choked in the finals. Hopefully this will give them the confidence needed to stay consistent.

    Congrats to all those who participated in the top 8.

  2. Good job to the Russians! I am very happy for them. Although, I must say, I am even happier for the Ukraine! It made me so sad when I heard that the Ukraine, a country with a great gymnastics history, might not make it to the European Championships. I am so glad that the men have a bronze medal to show for their trouble, especially after the disaster two years ago.


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