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Valery Alfosov: maybe a little too early shot, maybe worth to wait until 2015
Today, May 25, in Sofia (Bulgaria), the championship of Europe in gymnastics. Men played seven sets of medals. Russian team won the team event with five gold and one silver medals. Became the second British (1-2-2), the third - Ukrainians (1-1-2). The performance of our team's special correspondent of the Agency of sport information "All Sport" Mary Staroverova praised head coach Russian men's team gymnastics Valery Alfosov.

- Five gold and one silver medal - we can say, and surprise, and the expected result - said Valery Alfosov. - We have always said that we have such athletes as Denis Ablyazin, which makes their shells on the big gym. And today's implementation of its capacity, on the one hand, the expected event but at the same time and unexpected. Anyway, we came to this. Maybe a little early shot, maybe worth to wait until 2015, but it is not important.

- What in your opinion is not enough Kuksenkov Nicholas on horseback to be with a medal?
- Kohl's today for the first time doing the program by a factor of 7.1. This is the second combination of complexity after English gymnast Whitelock. We kept this program yet in stock, we will still prepare. Today Kohl came out - and made the program well. Yes, there were mistakes, but, I repeat, a new program we just prepare. We did not do an elaborate combination with the base 6.6 and try to win the bronze. All of Europe saw that Russia can perform the most complex combinations - a good result, although without a medal. It will be further developed, to Nicholas Kuksenko realize its full potential.

- Kuksenko as the championship of Russia, did not perform the jump elements. Injured his ankle is still bothering you?
- We decided to reserve Kohl before the European Championship it is not even prepared to speak on the floor and vault. We first need to cure it, to restore and maintain the ankles. But at the World Cup he will be able to perform the jump shells.

- How do you address Beliavsky David?
- In David, of course, there is the prospect complicate and improve the program. But this European Championship we had solved slightly different questions. The first task was - well done crossbar, its weak pull this kind. Crossbar, of course, would never have Beliavsky first sight, but we need to fight the command that he did on this shell program soundly with good average base. Therefore, throughout the period of preparation, we mainly focused on the horse, parallel bars and freestyle, which he can do well. And in these kinds of it is, what to add and what to improve. But this time, close the bar were occupied. And I can confidently say that David decided this question quite well.

- If you take the result as a whole, it turns out, the team coped with the task of the European Championship?
- Every team has won so many awards - then, of course, right (laughs). And if you disassemble the subtleties - it can be a long and not particularly interesting. Championship showed us the strengths and weaknesses of the Russian team. Now we clearly understand how to prepare for the fall World Cup and how to build the preparations for the Olympic Games in 2016.

- And the serious work before the World Cup to be?
- Of course! All summer we will do it. We know that competitors are not asleep, and also added complicate their programs. In Europe, such a high level of competition, and at the World Championships will be added to the U.S. team from Asia and Latin America. We will actively pull guys to clean the gaps that we have appeared at the European Championships.

- Programs will complicate any?
- First you need to analyze performances in Sofia. And then - to decide who and what to add. Especially in the gym a lot of room for creativity, practically limits. You can always improve, to eventually show with a complex combination of base and excellent performance. Such programs are more popular with the audience, judges evaluate them better. It all goes together, as in gymnastics, diving, figure skating. We performed - always an ellipsis.

- Will be able to relax before preparing for the World Cup?
- Of course. After returning from the European Championships we meet in our database "Round Lake" only on June 8. Carry out the training camp, then go to Italy - 10 days at sea. Swim, recover and, of course, we practice. Then again, back to the "Round Lake", begin to prepare for the Cup of Russia - is one of the stages of selection for the World Cup.
05/25/2014 22:57 - European Championships Artistic Gymnastics 2014
Nicholas Kuksenko: we decided for the first time in the competition to try a new program with a very high degree of difficulty - 7.1
Today, May 25, in Sofia (Bulgaria), the championship of Europe in gymnastics. In the last day of competition men played Award individual shells. Nicholas Kuksenko finished fourth and fifth on the horse on the uneven bars. Results of his speech at the individual shells Nicholas commented Kuksenko special correspondent of the Agency of sport information "All Sport" Mary Staroverova.


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