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Quotes of the day

The medal winners : Maria Kharenkova, Daria Spiridonova and Aliya Mustafina with team doctor Timonkin and head coach Grebyonkin (yes, it rhymes)

Aliya Mustafina (RUS), silver medallist beam:

"I am extremely happy that Maria Kharenkova took the gold on beam. The competition was not easy for me because of my leg injury, but I tried to pull myself together because I know my younger teammates are watching me and I shouldn`t show any weakness”.


Maria Kharenkova (RUS), gold medallist on beam:

"To tell you the truth I am too excited to tell you what is happening right now. As for Aliya she is our sister, our world star, our coach and even our mother, she is all for us. We are all very happy”.


Andrei Rodionenko (RUS), Head of delegation:

"As I already stated this European Championships gave us the best possibility to test our new team. Right now we have many problems with injuries with our more experienced gymnasts. They stayed at home while we had to test the youngsters. We are satisfied with the results during the Championships”.



  1. "We are satisfied with the results during the Championships” maybe you, but your wife may not be that satisfied since the old hag thinks you could have won the gold medal on team.

  2. At least Andrei is satisfied, he needs to talk to his wife about commenting to the media. Her comments don't help the girls.

  3. Wait.... wasn't the silver for Aliya on Bars? didn't she earn a bronze on beam????

  4. I wonder what V. Rodionenko will comment on Pavlova's medal on Vault or she will turn her face as though she didn't see it?

    1. I was in Sofia for the EC and was near the Russian delegation during the award ceremony for vault and was watching her face. V Rod was not a happy woman. I absolutely loved it. Go Pavs!

  5. I tired of Valentina and her crisis of hysteria. But I am worried about bad publicity. Her statements are not good for the Russian team and for the gymnasts, but mainly affect the relations of the Russian gymnastics federation with FIG. A little diplomacy, humility and recognition of others' success would do well to Russian team.

    1. I agree 100% with the last sentence particularly. When I was younger i was the track star of my team and when we lost i would mock the team that had beat us. But eventually that held me and my team back because always thinking that the other team won because of a fluke stops you form realizing or admitting what you may be doing wrong to contribute to a loss. I had talent but a complacent mentality towards my competition so my rate of improvement dropped and then others, who knew to always work hard, started beating me. I learned so much from being an athlete in junior and high school and I'm glad I had my bratty phase at least when i was an adolescent. But isn't Valentina like 85?


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