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Valentina Rodionenko - it's Aliya's decision to compete

In an interview with Sovietski Sport today, Valentina Rodionenko confirmed that the injured Aliya Mustafina is acting on her own volition in participating in the coming week's European Championships.  'Her injury is painful, but not fatal', said the head coach, 'Aliya is very clever, she is trying very hard.'  

Directly after Sofia, Aliya will travel to Munich, to the same clinic where she, Komova, Afanasyeva and Grishina have been treated, for an assessment of her ankle injury.  The ankle is very painful and at the moment Aliya can't tumble or dismount at all, and can only vault into a pit.  In an earlier interview Mustafina has explained that she is saving her ankle for competition, and Andrei Rodionenko has said her participation is subject to the 'state of her feet'.

There are also some brief details of the other injured gymnasts, including Komova, whose injury record Sovietski Sport questioned, suggesting that her recurrent injuries might make her unlikely to make the Rio Olympics. Viktoria slipped on some ice at a bus stop and injured her ankle in the spring, says Valentina here (elsewhere it is said that Viktoria injured herself in training, but that might have been another injury ...).  The operation in Germany was to strengthen her ankle ligaments.  

Afanasyeva has a long standing injury that now needs time to heal, following the operation in Germany. It is important that she is back at full strength in time for the Rio Olympics as she contributes on floor and vault, where she is Russia's only gymnast with an Amanar.  

Grishina's case is more difficult.  Thankfully, she hasn't a complete tear of the ACL as Mustafina had.  Nevertheless, she still hadn't recovered all her Olympic difficulty prior to the injury.


  1. Best wishes to all these girls in their recoveries.

    Does anyone else believe that these announcements are just warning salvos so we are not all totally devastated if Mustafina does not compete in Sofia? Her loss for team finals really sinks Russia. However, in a positive way, I hope Mustafina is suddenly replaced by Paseka for Euros. I know Paseka is not well liked by the Rodios recently, but there is a beautiful video of her training bars that made it's way to youtube and she could get a DTY to her feet without the same risk for personal injury that Mustafina intends to take (and the Rodios are allowing her to take). Anyway, I hope everyone knows that I mean I hope Mustafina is replaced for the good of her health and longevity in sport. I will have all of my fingers crossed that she doesn't suffer greater injury in competition.

    1. Every time I think it's a tremendous irresponsibility of Rodienkos and medical staff allow Alyia go compete in Euros.

      Only remains for me to believe in God, who at the last moment Mustafina will be replaced or that their injuries do not worsen with stress championship.

      I sincerely would like to see Mustafina competing until the next Olympics.

      If I could, I would send for some Alexandrov judgment in Alyia and Russian coaches.

      No matter, who would be replace Mustafina in this moment.

      Every time I think it's a tremendous irresponsibility of Rodienkos and medical staff allow Alyia go compete in Euros.

      Only remains for me to believe in God, who at the last moment Mustafina will be replaced or that their injuries do not worsen with stress championship.

      I sincerely would like to see Mustafina competing until the next Olympics.

      If I could, I would send for some Alexandrov judgment in Alyia and Russian coaches.

      No matter who will replace Alya. But now, as Queen Elizabeth, I think we can only cross our fingers and ask for an intervention of God. So irresponbilidade.

      We can only pray and ask God save Alyia and her health,and God continue to bless her.(google translator)

  2. Paseka is not being considered for these Championships (either a back injury or form issues) - see earlier post.

    My opinion is that Mustafina will compete - but only in the team competition; unless she is doing well on bars, in which case we may see her in that final.


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