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Lupita translates - Viktoria Komova and Valentina Rodionenko

Picture of Viktoria Komova by Vitalyi Belusov, via R Sport
Our thanks to Lupita, who now provides word for word translations of two of the articles mentioned in my post of 1st July:

Coaches believe in Komova (Sportbox, 28th June 2012)

Valentina Rodionenko states that Viktoria Komova can fight for Olympic medals in event finals.

“For a long time we haven’t won any gold medal in team competition. The responsibility is huge, but today the girls on the team are ready to fight for a medal in the team competition. The men aren’t ready, they aren’t at the level of the Japanese or the Chinese. They will fight for bronze.

The rivals of our female team are the Americans, who have a strong team.

I have big hopes in Komova, she will compete in the AA and Bars (where she’s last year’s World champion) and Beam. She has stronger routines than the American or the Chinese gymnasts."

The gymnast told the Agency she’ll try not to pay attention to the fact that big hopes lie on her. 

“I’m calm, I train and compete as always. I’m counting the days until July 21st, date of our departure for London . I’m nervous because the Olympics will be my first big competition. I don’t want to disappoint anyone, everything goes well.  I train every day and I want to perform my routines as well and as cleanly as I can.  Ksenya Afanasyeva was on the 2008 Olympic team, she supports us because she knows what the Olympics mean. She says: don’t worry, it’s a competition like the others. We know our rivals, the important thing is to concentrate and perform well."


  1. Americans and Chinese their main rivals?? Can I interprete this way: she expects American places 1st, Chinese and Russia 2nd or 3rd, Romania is out of medal contention. Or Romania places the 1st, because she is intimidate by Romania's win in the Euros, and Russia will only fight against America and China for silver. Girl clearly got the situation wrong. America will be the unrivaled winner. Russia will have a very tough fight against Romania. And China is not a very big threat because they are as inconsistent as the Russians themselves.

  2. I think someone's amanar is back!!! I'm literally giddy now with excitement! Let's hope she can hit on the day. As horrible as this sounds, I am a little confident now after seeing the US trials. At the end of the day, with extreme pressure from different stakeholders, athletes can crumble. I know the trials are deemed a little more nerve-wracking for American gymnasts; however it does demonstrate that the only thing separating the top 6 or so AA gymnasts competing in London is mentality. I am a little disappointed that Mustafina hasn't been mentioned as a favourite. Hopefully it is strategic. What with recent FIG statements, I am positive that execution will be looked more closely in London! Let's hope the Russian grace shines through!

  3. Thanks for the translation. Hmm is Rodionenko a coach on the women's side? I don't remember her being one. She seems to place the most hope of Komova which can pressure her and we all know she headcases at times, so additional pressure doesn't help. She also doesn't mention vault and floor for Komova, which means Komova might not aim to do vault final and we all know floor is her weak link because she doesn't seem to score as high on that as she should. Rodionenko also needs to watch out for Romania. However, again, to me this is all talk and we'll see how things go in London. She might not mention Musty, but I am confident in Mustafina as well.

    I agree with what Ksenia says to the girls, Olympics is just another competition, might be the biggest but hopefully they go in with a have no fear attitude.

    I just hope they can perform to their best.

  4. ¿Que USA serán los ganadores? He visto más de un mil de veces a Gabriel Douglas, Jordin Wieber y Raisman, y perdón, pero la ejecución de sus ejercicios no es mala, es pésima! solo porque Gabriel tiene dos ejercicios buenos en la rutina de Barras no significa que esté a la altura de una china o las mismas rusas, Raisman es un asco en su rutina de piso y ni qué decir de la viga de equilibrio, mucha dificultad y cero artisticidad aunado a su pésima ejecución!! Si alguien se merece pelear por el oro olímpico esas son efectivamente las chinas y las rusas (bajo un jueceo limpio y honesto).

    Estados unidos como siempre solo es el resultado de un efecto mediático ejercido en los últimos años hacia el equipo femenino de gimnasia, pero la verdadera "Gimnasia artística" solo se puede ver aunque le duela, en la gimnasia rusa, china y rumana.

    1. USA What will be the winners? I've seen more than one thousand times to Gabriel Douglas, Jordin Wieber and Raisman, and forgiveness, but the execution of the exercises is not bad, is terrible! only because Gabriel has two good exercises in the routine of bars does not indicate the height of a Chinese or Russian them, Raisman sucks on her floor routine and not to mention the balance beam, a hard and zero artistry coupled with his bad performance! If anyone deserves to fight for Olympic gold these are indeed the Chinese and the Russians (under a clean and honest JUDGING). United States as always only the result of a media effect exerted in recent years into the women's gymnastics team, but the real "artistic gymnastics" can only be seen even if it hurts, in the gym Russian, Chinese and Romanian

    2. I apologise for the appalling Google translate ...

      But, I agree entirely! ;-)))

  5. I'm with Katjali.

    I have seen Wieber mess up her bars, beam and floor routines both in the WC and the American cup so I don't know why people have such high hopes for her. Douglas tends to do stupid mistakes and her bars routine is not that difficult like some of her fans claim it is. And she also happens to be stuck in the 80's with that "Flashdance" move on the floor.

    Raisman's floor routine is just terrible.

    If the Russians stick their amanars, bar and beam routines then the Americans are going to be in trouble.

    Americans have difficulty but that is only good when you can actually do it right.

    So lets see what happens at the Olympics.


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