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Olympic Gymnastics in the stars ...

Clockwise from top left : Afanasyeva, Komova, Paseka, Mustafina and Grishina grace the Olympic rings

The sun is shining in London ... our team have arrived and are settling in at the Olympic village.  The event has almost begin, and with Gymnastics Examiner's Blythe Lawrence promising quick hits from podium training, it won't be long before speculation reaches new heights.  How we engage in this speculation is largely a personal matter.  The All Around has recently published an impressive table of statistics which allows for an entirely scientific, reasonable projection of the USA as the women team title's most likely winners.  I wouldn't dispute this on the basis of the evidence presented, but I would add that there are arguments against using science to predict anything, particularly in a sport such as gymnastics.  What would be the point of having a competition if we knew in advance what would happen?   Russian national champion Aliya Mustafina agrees with me, in a recent interview.  We will just have to be patient now, and avoid reading anything coaches Valentina Rodionenko or John Geddert say if we want to keep a level head. 

The BBC has a great feature on its website, complete with brief biographies of every athlete competing at the Games, including some of the most dreadful pictures of the Russian gymnasts I have ever seen.  Details of competitors are pared down to the essentials : height, weight and date of birth.  It got me thinking : if we want to know what the future holds for our gymnasts, why not look and see what their birth signs predict? 

The Russian WAG and MAG teams are a mixed bunch, but interestingly they are headed by a fairly heady crew of perfectionist, highly expectant Virgos - team captains Afanasyeva and Garibov, as well as head coach Rodionenko.  These competitors are advised to protect their health and use diplomacy in difficult situations over the coming weeks.

The flamboyant Ablyazin is the only Leo on the team, and he will probably be at loggerheads with his team this August, but should be able to take advantage of a special burst of energy that will make him stand out from the crowd providing he avoids injury.  Youngest team member Grishina, a Capricorn, and Belyavski, a Piscean, look likely to have a great Olympics, while Paseka (Cancer) might do better to stay at home.  Mustafina. a well balanced Libran, will most likely stand out in team or collective efforts, while Pakhomenko and Balandin (both Gemini) seem likely to make a real splash if they keep their heads.  For those of you worried about Komova's hair, you will be relieved to hear that August will be a good month for this Aquarian's beauty care; furthermore, she looks likely to be in the right place at the right time, and ready to solve those injury issues!

Let's read in more detail what these gymnasts' horoscopes have to say:


Ksenia Afanasyeva (13th September); Emin Garibov (8th September)

"Your vitality won't be at its best. It's necessary that you spare yourself and that you are not imprudent to keep your equilibrium and good health.

The weakened immunity could allow infections and contaminations to develop and the involvement of Mars (conjunct with the ruler of your house of diseases) can favor injuries or accidents.

You're recommended to avoid too straightforward attitudes and combine determination with diplomacy."

Denis Ablyazin (3rd August)

"The Sun in Leo will lend you glow, prestige and strength, will make you stand out and will strengthen your image of a leader or of a winner.

You'll have a lot of energy and good physical resistance.

You won't have great morale though and your nervous system won't be great either. You'll tend to look at the negative side of things and you'll manifest restlessly and irritably risking accidents in addition to stress and conflicts."


Alexander Balandin (20th June); Igor Pakhomenko (10th June) (also Romania's Larissa Iordache)

"There are premises for opportunities to be promoted, to develop or stand out.

Not only will chance be by your side, but you'll also contribute. You'll have more courage, more desire for action, and what used to seem difficult it now seems easier, more reasonable.

There are some conditions to be successful, though: not to rush, not to take big risks and not to dodge effort. You might be forced to fight, face some confrontations, overcome an obstacle in order to get where you want. But if you're determined enough, nothing can stand in your way."


David Belyavski  (23rd February)

"Here is a profitable month in which you can achieve impressive results. You'll have a lot of work capacity, you'll adjust to situations well, and you'll find ingenious solutions."

Anastasia Grishina (16th January) (also USA's Gabrielle Douglas)

"You'll prove great determination in pursuing your objectives and the objectives are not small. You'll follow an all-out strategy to impose, advance, succeed, improve or consolidate your position. You'll invest energy and initiative, you'll build detailed strategies and you won't hesitate to fight to get what you want.

Stress, a lot of stress. It'd be better if you slowed down a bit and make more time for rest and relaxation.

You'll take a lot of pressure, worry a lot and even if you display the image of a self-confident person, you might experience anxiety episodes.

Fortunately, you'll be resistant physically, and the work capacity will be considerable."


Viktoria Komova (30th January)

"An active month at the level of information and trips. The itinerary is not easy though: you can expect obstacles and provocations; fortunately, you'll find the power to overcome them.

You'll use your potential wisely, you'll play your cards well and besides that, you'll be lucky enough to be at the right place and time sometimes.

Financially, the perspectives look good. You might reach an understanding or solve issues regarding an inheritance, donation, sponsorship or recuperation.

There are no health problems foreseen. On the contrary, August 2012 will be an appropriate month to solve issues related to health, physical shape, diet, life hygiene.

August 2012 will be a favorable period including to beauty care."


Aliya Mustafina (30th September)

"You'll show a lot of ambition and determination, and the most appropriate thing would be to use them for initiatives requiring strength and tenacity, such as laborious, long-term projects.

With Venus in your house of career, partnerships and collaboration will be highly appreciated, and with the Sun and Mercury in Leo, collective activities will favor you.

In August 2012 you'll benefit from popularity, support and protection and you'll be able to find the necessary resources to carry out your plans, provided that you have clearly defined objectives and you build strategies to help you reach them.

You might also have to handle some confrontations or situations in which you have to persuade, insist, fight, maybe even face competition or rivalry.

Think positive! Don't haste, don't be stubborn and don't risk!"

Maria Paseka (19th July) (also USA's Jordyn Wieber)

"It'd be better if you were on holiday. August 2012 is an interesting month for love and entertainment, but not great for career and work.

Things will start with difficulty, there'll be impediments and delays. Or maybe you'll be overloaded, the tasks will be difficult and your freedom, confined.

In spite of the pressure, you'll have good morale and you'll find the way to unwind from time to time having fun with your friends, reading or coming in contact with art and creation."

With thanks to whose monthly predictions are quoted here and provide the basis of my summaries.
Picture source : unknown, but with thanks to whoever created this beautiful montage.


  1. Lol, that's interesting

    Musty's horoscope is basically what she is everyday, so not much prediction there.

    I like this - "avoid reading anything coaches Valentina Rodionenko or John Geddert say if we want to keep a level head"

    That is so damn true :)


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