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Media link - Igor Pakhomenko interview - Russian Gymnastics Federation weblink and Google translate

Albert at the All Around Forum has posted a Google translate of an interview with Russian national and World Championships team member, Igor Pakhomenko.  This comes from the Russian Federation's website under their repository of press coverage. The interview is credited to Alexander Sklyarenko

Igor, an 18 year old, comes from Siberia, and is one of a significant group of Siberian gymnasts who formed part of the Russian team in Rotterdam.  In this interview he also mentions 14 year old Andrei Logutov, who only last week performed well at the Siberian leg of the Russian Federal Championships (detailed results to follow).

Google translate:

Igor Pakhomenko: "After the World Cup I felt like an adult"

Last year, Igor Pakhomenko of Leninsk-Kuznetsk was one of those young gymnasts who have declared themselves in full voice. After success at the Cup of Russia, where he finished second in the all-around and the competition on the bar, and also won a bronze medal on floor exercise, Igor was included in the national team and played at the world championships in Rotterdam.
He arrived in Novosibirsk to the parents for the weekend, and we talk with Igor in the same room where he once trained Olympic champion Yevgeny Podgorny.
- Igor, your way to the gym, too, began in the same room?
- Yes, here I am training with six to ten years. And in ten years, I and Nikita Ignatiev along with our coach Dmitri Dmitrievich Chunosovym moved to Leninsk-Kuznetsk. Later we were joined by another guy from Kemerovo - Andrew Lagutov. He is now 14 years old, and he goes with us on the charges. This is our team.
- And how is it that in the six years you get to the section gymnastics?
- My parents took me to the section on the various sports, but I never liked it. A lead here - like immediately. Then came a section and Nikita Ignatiev. Here we are with him since childhood, from six years old and doing gymnastics. And with ten years we lived in Leninsk-Kuznetsk in one room. Recently, we have divided, and now he has his own apartment, I had - their own.
- You said when you were brought here, you immediately liked it. And that like that?
- Trainers immediately wanted to see what can a child. I walked over to the rope and climbed to the top. Apparently, to them it made some impression, and I began walking in the section. In Shostakovich's a lot of experience, and he was just looking for a child can tell if they have to some prospects. Initially somewhere six months or a year we have been in the initial group, and then went to Dmitri Dmitrievich.
- And when you moved in Leninsk-Kuznetsk, how do you show the kind of room after that?
- Earlier, when I was eight or nine years, we went there for the monthly fees. Before entering the hall there is a similar "mirror" room, as here, but only twice as many. We initially thought that this is the room. And when she went through and entered the hall, they were shocked. Our very first contest on the road, in another city, were also in Leninsk-Kuznetsk. So Nikita Ignatiev get lost in this hall. When my coach moved to this town, he and his wife brought us and have been for us as parents. And now - the same thing, we live with a coach than with their parents. He educates us, always prompts in some difficult situations.
- You have already quietly go to another level. Coach still travels with you on fees and the competition?
- No, we're grown up, he lets us already, and now we are gathering more often we go without him than with him. Now here we are in January and Nikita were assembled together, and Shostakovich was working at home with Andrew Lagutovym. He, too, need a rest.
- And when you are resting? On Saturday, you train on Sunday - again, training ...
- At the gathering we have a charger and two workouts, and now - one workout a day.
- One three-hour exercise a day - it's sort of holiday?
- Not to rest, but there just did not do as much work as in a good hall. You can only stretch, "pumped" to train some small items.
- Now, as I understand it, your main goal - successfully perform at the Russian Championship ...
- Yes. The last stage of preparation for it - from 1 to 20 February. I will run in new combinations, a lot of plans. We must add, because those programs that I had, to a higher level leave is not possible.
- New combinations you are included in the program in December at the Cup of Siberia ...
- Which, yes - but add to the program immediately three new elements - it is difficult, all this should gradually keep in mind. And if I'm at the Cup of Siberia performed a couple of new elements, and is now before the Russian championships will add a couple more, you get a completely new, much more sophisticated. Yes, its implementation requires a high endurance, need more work, but it brings other perspectives.
- And these new combinations will allow you to compete on equal terms with the leading athletes in international tournaments?
- Yes, if you do all that is conceived, it is possible to fight for medals.
- These ideas - everything you need to do before the Olympics in London, or the same program again, will complicate and refine?
- Gymnastics does not stand still and must always complicated. Athletes from other countries so quickly learn new programs, we sometimes wonder. Every time you come to international competitions and all the time for something new - a new element, new and more complex combinations. Need to constantly move forward. Just learned some new elements, put them together in a combination polished - and the need to re-learn something new. Recently hosted the World Cup, but the competition continues. And at these competitions already have results that are higher than those that were at the World Championships.
- How does improving your program? You choose the coach and offer some new items, your coach is something you offer yourself, or do coach?
- In this most interested me. Head coach is not against new and more complex elements, but you need to make this combination performed at the highest level. And, naturally, it is also something tells. And my coach knows me from six years and understands what I fit and what will not work, what element of "my", and what - is not "my". And he has a "filter" all the thoughts and ideas. I'm not so experienced athlete, and most be a combination - it is very difficult. A coach always helps.
- Last year you had a number of successful competitions. Which of them are particularly memorable, gives confidence in their abilities?
- Of course, the World Cup. As he could, so I was there and spoke. But there was a chance to see all the top contenders. And I realized that in their combinations, there is nothing supernatural, it's all you can do. We need only a lot and train hard.
- It was your first world championship, the first type of program - team competition, and the first shell you had to speak first in our team ...
- I thought I'd be more worried. When you watch the World Cup on TV, it seems that this is so scary ... In fact, things were simpler. I practiced so much, so many times did all these combinations, all have obtained the "machine", even if you're scared. And do not think about how you do this or that combination, that can fall. Just go out and do. And all the excitement somewhere to go. It was only the first two shells. It is important to take those first shells, whatever they were. It is important for them not to fall. And from then on will be easier.
- In Rotterdam, serious errors committed even the leaders of our team. You all shells made stable enough and did all that was required of you ...
- Just my combinations are not yet a level of complexity, as they have. Guys focus on medals, and they have sophisticated software, the elements under which it is easy to get wrong. I, for instance, in two complex elements for which I suffer, and they have - eight ...
- At the last Cup of Russia you successfully performed in all-around. Who do you feel - rather mnogobortsem or a gymnast, which relies on individual shells?
- Of course, I focused on all-around. I do not have any "liberated" shells. Yes, there is a horse, now is a decent program on the crossbar. But the all-around me still more interested.
- This fairly confident performance at the World Cup - it's probably a hint that you're stable gymnast ...
- In competitions, I very rarely fall. Now do not even remember when was the last time. Maybe I have good nerves. For example, my friend Nikita Ignatiev in training makes everything clean, can not beat me to control training, but when it comes to competition, it is like and do not worry, but it starts to make mistakes.
- What are your feelings when you look at the leaders of the world, European gymnasts at the same Ishimura, the Germans Boy Hambyuhena? They also will need to beat ...
- I'm still 18, but they are several years older. I think that in four years can do everything. The main thing - much to want, do not give up and work. They are nothing extraordinary show, make the same elements that we do. They just they have learned and managed to hone. The same Ishimura has long acts with the same program. At the last world championships, he did the same combination almost to perfection and now just does not lose shape. I understand that I need to just learn the new elements to make the program and refine them before the Olympics. And to do this year. In the following there will be no time to teach some elements and insert them in combination. Will only need to run in the program at the event.
- Igor, did not it happen that the Olympics in London will go to the Siberian federal district team?
- I think that as long as no one can say (laughs - AS). How to get there! Our leaders Sergei Khorokhordin, Anton Golotsutskov, Maxim Devyatovskiy, I'm Nikita, Andrei Cherkasov - we are all from Siberia. And even young boys are growing up. At the gym everything is possible.
- And the fact that close to you train and perform at competitions guys out of your own or from a neighboring town - this somehow helps you or does not really matter?
- Of course, help! We always support each other, we are somehow easier to communicate, these people I know better.
- Do you have any idols in a gymnast?
- No Idols. If you just take some shells, some individual items that make one or the other gymnast ... Who wins the tournament on the equipment in certain types of all-around, they carry out their programs simply elegant. With them you can take an example. Generally speaking, it is now on all shells Ishimura looks nice, and all of them it works very stable. Most mnogobortsev one or two rounds still "fall". Therefore, they can not "climb" in the top three. A Ishimura and wins because he runs very smoothly all the shells. Yes, he has a little behind the horse, rings, but it's "just" barely noticeable. But in general I try to do things his own way, producing some our own style.
- What kind of shells, in your opinion, you need to pull you?
- Rings, parallel bars. Ring until the most backward shot. Need a "physics", but quickly it does not inflate. And boards have tightened. I try to teach new elements, I think the championship Russia have time to make the new program.
- And where did you learn today?
- In Leninsk-Kuznetsklm in Olympic Reserve School in the second year.
- What are your interests besides gymnastics? A little free time anyway because sometimes ...
- Almost all of the time spent on the Olympic base "Round Lake". On Sunday, it happens, go to the movies, a walk, shopping. And so basically work. On Thursday, one workout, but nowhere to go, because on Friday - a full day. You can only go to the bath. And here in the city can somehow be fun to walk. Yesterday, for instance, went with friends to the rink.
- In this intense training rhythm are those moments when you want to drop everything and relax?
- There are difficult days when nothing happens. Yesterday I was still doing this new element, and now everything goes wrong. Of course, upset, but then manage to overcome themselves, and you realize that you can not just drop everything that tomorrow everything will be better. Passes a couple of days and everything is fine, the mood lifts. It happens that you come to a match, look at the already painted with a plan and immediately understand how it will be difficult. But it was only the first few days. Then "roll in" and begin to work normally.
- Igor, after the World Cup you have got the feeling that you've already taken its stable place in the national team?
- I just felt like an adult. But with those programs that I had at the world championships, it is impossible to climb to another level. If we manage to do all planned, if the new run-in program, I think it Take your place in the team. Competition is now serious, especially before the Olympics. Before it seemed as much a half years. But in fact, time is running out. And it is felt by all. We must learn new combinations obkatat new programs, and everything just exercise more. I've traveled to the collection. Not to say that after I added much, but a month has flown by ... as these and a half years will fly by unnoticed altogether.
- Sixth place in the world championship for such a young team - like a good idea. But there was a feeling that you still did not take "his" place?
- We have about 20 minutes before the competition got injured Mitya Barkalov, and instead went Andrei Cherkasov. He did all his, but the program he is weaker than that Mitya. I replaced Mitya on the rings, although at this projectile I have a small "base". In general, because of the trauma team has lost just three points. I think, to fight for third place would be difficult. The Germans were very well prepared. But on the fourth place, we might well expect.
- Olympic champion Yevgeny Podgorny said that if your team is working smoothly and without error, then the rivals begin to "crumble" ...
- It's - Psychology, as always. It is important to a good start. Then you have to watch others and begin to fear you. They are suited to the shells and make mistakes. When this World Cup we are well passed the first two or three rounds, then later we were told that our rivals have already begun to be afraid. And when we went to failures, they just quietly completed the their programs.
- On the eve of World Cup Anton Golotsutskov said that if the young gymnasts Pakhomenko, Cherkasov, Beliavsky will continue to work the same way as the last time, then to the Olympics, they can become leaders of the world gymnastics. What do you think about this?
- Home - and do not want to stop, go ahead.
- The mere fact of participation in the Olympics seems a tempting prospect. But do you have any specific goals? Maybe you've decided to win the gold medal in London in all-round ...
- I think we need to successfully perform in the team competition, to take one of the top places. And in the all-around I would like to achieve the same result. In the team competition with Chinese and Japanese are very difficult to compete, they operate with virtually no errors. We still do not have such stability. And for the third place will be a struggle. Yes, and all-around, if consistently pass all the shells and clean according to all that we have outlined, you can think of three of the prize.


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