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Make sport not war - Lilia Podkopayeva speaks

I want to send my love to Ukraine, and Russia, at this difficult time, in the hope that peace and stability can take the upper hand.

The rumour is that Ukraine's Oleg Stepko has moved to Baku to train and compete as part of the Azerbaijan national team.

Stella Zakharova has also been on TV saying that she hopes to stage the Zakharova Cup this year, but that things are very difficult.

Ukraine and Russia are friends and rivals on the gymnastics podium.  

I found the banner above on a Russian social media site that is regularly used by both Russians and Ukrainians.  Please post the banner on your social media sites, let's try to make a bigger noise for peace than is being made for war.

Updated 15.28 Sunday.  1996 Olympic Champion Lilia Podkopayeva says on Facebook

Я – Лилия Подкопаева. Мама двоих чудесных малышей. Где бы мы не жили – во Львове, или в моем родном Донецке, мы – женщины, жены, мамы – хотим одного – счастливой жизни и мирного неба нашим детям. Мы не хотим отправлять своих мужей на войну. И содрогаться каждый раз, когда взрываются гранаты. Мы хотим растить наших детей в мирной и единой Украине, растить будущих художников, артистов, честных политиков и конечно же – олимпийских чемпионов. Чтобы они, как и я когда-то, стоя на Олимпийском пьедестале плакали от гордости, слушая гимн Украины! Слава Украине!!!.
I-Lilia Podkopayeva. MOM of two wonderful kids. No matter where we lived-in Lviv, or in my hometown of Donetsk, we are women, wives, mothers, want a happy life and peace for our children. We do not want to send their husbands to war. And shudder each time exploding grenades. We want to raise our children in a peaceful and United Ukraine, raise future artists, entertainers, politicians and, of course, fair-Olympic champions. They, like I, standing on the Olympic podium cried with pride, listening to the national anthem of Ukraine! Glory To Ukraine!. (Translated by Bing)


  1. We will all support Elizabeth in this: we can do no more than hope for the best.
    (Incidentally, Ludmila Tourischeva comes from Grozny: has she ever said anything about the tragedy of her home town?)

  2. Nelson Mandela once said that " Sport has the power to change the world ... it has the power to inspire . It has the power to unite people in a way little else does . It speaks to youth in a language they understand . Sport can create hope where once there was only despair. It is more powerful than the government......."


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