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Elena Produnova - interview

The gymnastics group at has published an interview with 2000 Olympian, Elena Produnova.  Thanks for their permission to provide an edit of it here.

People will remember Elena in particular for two reasons: her original vault that no one else has been able to emulate; and her own special brand of powerful acrobatics, energetic temperament and musical flow, a heady mixture that today's gymnasts find impossible to match.

Recently there have been some photographs of Elena working in a gym.  Although she has always said that she wouldn't have a coaching career, it seems that now she is a coach at a gym in Nalchik, a town in the very south of the Russian Federation, in the foothills of the Caucasian mountains, in the republic of Kabardino-Balkaria.  

The first question, tell us how you ended up in Nalchik?

- Nalchik came up at the right time, in terms of my life circumstances.  Through my previous work I had a very good friend - head of the sports department of the inter-regional public organization "Dynamo" in Rostov-on-Don, Mamhegov Khachim Khasanovitch. He became Deputy Minister of Sport in Kabardino-Balkaria.  The Republic's government has built a gymnastics facility and invited me to raise and develop my favourite sport. At that time I was caring for my mom and I had to refuse the offer, but six months later my mother died.  Then, I did not hesitate to come to Nalchik.
You could have had an invitation abroad? If so, why refuse?

- Yes, there were invitations to the US and Brazil. But I'm still a patriot of Russia )))

Do you enjoy coaching?

- Coaching is very complicated and laborious. There will never be quick results.  It is difficult psychological and physical work, especially with children. But this work is very interesting and I love it already.

There are already some results?

- The results so far are small. I remember my time in the gym and the great coaches who worked with me.  I try to collect all my experience together - like a Rubik's Cube. I really hope that all the colours match, that everything will turn out. With my character, I am able to achieve goals.

What kind of goals?

- The objective, as always, is to grow an Olympic champion in Kabardino-Balkaria.

Are you a rigorous coach?

- As a coach, I am strict but fair, respecting gymnasts in the first place. But they love me, I know.

What do you think of gymnastics today?

-  I always watch and follow.  This is my life. I like Mustafina and Tutkhalyan. America and its power. The gymnasts there are strong, and do sophisticated things that impress me.

In the end, no one has been able to repeat your vault.  Are you surprised, proud?

-  I think, my pupils will do my vault. And I'll be very happy when someone manages it. Gymnasts prepare for this since childhood. It is too early to say anything definite.

Thank you very much for the interview. We wish you good luck and success in such an interesting job, talented students and look forward to seeing you as a coach at national championships, World Championships and the Olympics. Everything will turn out!

Good luck, Elena!!!


  1. This is a somewhat off topic question. In Russian culture is the metaphor particularly important or powerful to them? More so than in other cultures and languages? In many of the interview summaries I see, the gymnasts often times will use metaphors or even multiple metaphors to communicate their feelings and aims; Like Elena's Rubiks cube or Vika's canvas metaphor to name a recent few off the top of my head.

    1. You could well be right ... the language does seem to be pretty lyrical!

  2. "- Yes, there were invitations to the US and Brazil. But I'm still a patriot of Russia )))"

    Music to my ears. I love to hear things like "I will stay loyal to Russia." Reason why I'm all for Khorkina or other gymnasts like her to be in charge. This is what Russia needs. People that care for the development of this sport in their country and bring results.

  3. "I think, my pupils will do my vault. And I'll be very happy when someone manages it. Gymnasts prepare for this since childhood. It is too early to say anything definite."

    Yes, please!


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