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Information for consideration for lovers of statistics, and not only for them / Afterword to the world championship in gymnastics

Head coach of the Russian national gymnastics Rodionenko Andrew said he did not consider a failure performance of Russian gymnasts at the World Championships in Nanning (China).

"World Cup - it is only a milestone in our preparation, participation in it is necessary in order to understand where we are now. Are we? I will say this - the result is normal. After all, we take into account not only the specific location of our athletes. Medals - they are for everyone, but for us it is important that they do. So far, so good - we are fully competitive in all respects. "- Quoted Rodionenko" R-Sport. "

First of all, in my opinion, the World Cup can not be "a milestone" in the sense that it puts the head coach. This is not a passing tournament, and absolutely self-sufficient competition best gymnasts in the world. It is necessary to show the result. This is the main start of the season. Not very clear phrase about the medals for all, "for us it is important that they do," but will charge that the vagueness of the journalist, who got the interview.

Let us see how we are "competitive in all respects." And we can not do without numbers.

Consider only the complexity of the programs finalist teams, as well as data on individual shells.

To evaluate the technical level of training gymnasts analyze two parameters: the sum of the coefficients of complexity programs four gymnasts (D-4) teams and the sum of coefficients of complexity programs three gymnasts (D-3).

The first indicator is linked to the fact that the qualifications are taken into account four ratings, the second - to the fact that in the final team competition, are three.

Our men's team looks looks much more promising than the female, and therefore start with her.

Before the World Cup in Nanning the highest D-4 and D-3 showed China - 157.0 and 119.6, respectively (157.0 / 119.6).

Little inferior to the Chinese gymnasts USA - 156.9 / 118.8. If a D-4 lag was only 0.1 points, then a D-3, it had increased to 0.8. This is due to the fact that the third and fourth numbers of Team USA showed a more complex programs than the Chinese. Simply, the American team is smoother.

The third place was occupied by the Japanese team - 154.6 / 118.6.

Our gymnasts before the World Cup factor D-4 was the same as that of the Japanese - 154.6, but a D-3, we gave way to 0.6 points - 118.0.

Coming up with a pretty significant delay was British team - 152.2 / 113.7.

Given that the American gymnasts often can not cope with the complexity of the stated, the Russian team had a fairly high chance of a bronze medal, and under certain conditions, could climb higher.

And now, the World Championships in Nanning.

In qualifying gymnasts of China raised the D-4 to 157.9, and D-3 to 119.7. Next vied Japan and the United States. Indicators of Japan amounted to 153.7 / 117.2, and Team USA - 154.1 / 116.9.

Team Russia showed here the fourth result - 151.1 / 115.0, but errors in the execution led to what turned out to be ahead of our gymnasts team UK - 149.7 / 114.2. Let me remind you that our gymnasts failed completely on the horse and not too confident passed the bar.

In the team championship final, where they played three gymnasts on the projectile, and all three scores count towards the Chinese raised D-3 is even higher than in the qualification - 120.1! This enabled them, despite errors in execution, to win gold in the team competition.

Japan failed to keep the level of complexity, as shown in the qualification. Their D-3 fell to 116.3 points. Team USA also showed less complexity - 116.5.

Failed to maintain their standard of our gymnasts, D-3, which was 114.9. Our wrong on the horse and the parallel bars, and it was there lost and D-3, and for the performance evaluation.

Ahead of us British team showed 113.5. That's really our British gymnasts just do not have the right to play.

The remaining finalist teams are significantly inferior to the Russian team. Indicators of Brazil are: D-4 = 146.1, D-3 in the qualification 111.7, 111.7 in the final.

Switzerland, who took seventh place: D-4 = 140.9, D-3 in the qualification 107.6, 105.6 in the final.

See the eighth result Germany: D-4 = 145.1, D-3 in the qualification 110.3, 109.7 in the final.

From the above, we can draw the following conclusions. Our team is much inferior to the three leaders in the complexity of programs. However, to catch up with the Chinese is hardly possible, and not only for our gymnasts, so we only teams in Japan and the United States. First of all, you need to add on a horse, parallel bars and horizontal bar. It is planned to lag in the floor and vault. Perhaps only on the rings until you can feel relatively calm - but only on the results of the World Cup.

But there are six more sets of medals in individual shells, and the picture is not rosy.

Consider the average complexity of the programs top eight gymnasts in the world qualification (df), the finalists (Df), the three winners (Dmed), and compare these figures with the results of our leaders shown in Nanning.

In the floor exercise df = 6.825, Df = 6.825, = 7.167 Dmed. Our team has the highest rating D has a world champion Denis Ablyazin - 7.1. Closest to him, David Bielawski - 6.5, and that's the end of the second ten.

On horseback dc = 6.7125, Df = 6.7625, Dmed = 6.867. It must be remembered that the final did not get European champion Max Whitlock (7.4). Best of our Nikolai Kuksenkov is 6.7. I think there is no comment.

On rings dc = 6.775, Df = 6.800, = 6.875 Dmed. We Denis Ablyazin shows 6.8, and it is quite the average complexity of the program is already on this apparatus. It is necessary to go to 7.0.

In the vault dc = 6.0375, Df = 6.0875, Dmed = 6.133. Our leader Denis Ablyazin 6.100 (jumping 6.0 and 6.2), and no one else in the team does not jump two jumps.

Backlog of our gymnasts on parallel bars even more evident: dc = 6.8625, Df = 6.6650, Dmed = 6.833. Our best gymnasts Nikolai Kuksenkov David Bielawski, shown in Nanning on 6.6. However, Nikita Ignatyev before the World Cup was surprising 6.8 program, but there's nothing he did not succeed.

Finally, the crossbar. On this apparatus df = 6.875, Df = 6.900, = 7.200 Dmed. Nikolai Kuksenkov shown here 6.9. If you can "clean up" the combination and add complexity, can count on the finals and in the future.

As we can see, and in the context of individual shells chances even our leaders not only on the awards, but even to take part in the finals, pretty slim. The only exception is Denis Ablyazin.

Disassemble estimates for the execution (E) will not be solely in order to save their time. Believe me, there is no better picture. Also, if our guys are starting to roll in, then certainly the whole team. That is what happened to the horse in qualifying and on the uneven bars in the final. And this is a clear evidence of gaps in the psychological preparation (the same "moral and volitional" deficit which was not observed in the Soviet gymnasts in the fifties, and in the eighties, and in 1996).

Thus, to talk about "competitive in all respects" after Nanning, at least, is too optimistic. Head coach does not see any problems, or trying to wishful thinking.



Before the World Cup advantage in the complexity of programs belonged to the United States: D-4 - 97.9, D-3 - 75.0 (97.9 / 75.0). Just a little behind the Chinese team - 97.1 / 74.3.

Lagging Team Russia more significant - 95.7 / 73.1, but we are closer to China than to the United Kingdom and Romania. Next, United Kingdom - 92.4 / 70.8, Romania - 92.0 / 70.2, Germany - 91.6 / 69.9, Italy - 91.1 / 69.2, Japan - 90.4 / 69.1, Australia - 90.0 / 69.8.

On the platform stood in Nanning six teams, the results of which are discussed below.


In qualifying, the highest amount of D-4 scored China - 97.0. American gymnasts have conceded 0.8 points - 96.2, but due to higher estimates of E (for performance) this qualification confidently won. Evaluation of D-3 in the qualification for China and the United States was the same - to 74.1.

Team Russia showed the third result, and lost significantly - 94.4 / 72.1. The fourth result showed UK - 91.3 / 70.5. Next Italy - 90.5 / 68.1, and Romania - 88.6 / 69.0.

In the final, the best amount of D-3 and scored Team USA - 73.7. Chinese women lost in the complexity is not too much - 72.6, but again lost disastrously estimate E.

Russia showed just 70.9, Italy - 69.3, Romania - 69.2.

Our team has the second D-3 in the vault, and the backlog of Team USA 0.5 points. China on the bars lose 1.9 points and equal (!?) With Americans. On the beam lose the United States and China about one point. In the floor exercise parity with China and the gap from the United States about one point.

The lag any cosmetic measures can not be overcome. Valentine Rodionenko, gostrener gymnastics, said that next year we will have a completely different team - with Komova, Afanasyev and the list goes on.

Of course, we can hope. Possible and in little green men to believe. But to believe that our gymnasts will be able to catch up in the complexity of the United States and China due to Komova and Afanas'eva - it's too ...

Last year, the team collected a forest of pine, this year it was the same. Why should we believe that in the next season of "see another movie," if the former directors? Rather, I believe that Aliya Mustafina add complexity by 1.5-1.8 points, but still will cope with it.

On individual shells our original medal in women claim backed up until as weak as that of men.

In the vault dc = 5.9875, Df = 5.9875, Dmed = 6.133. Our leader Alla Sosnitskaia jumping 6.4 + 5.8, that is, its average D = 6.10. Today Sosnitskaia fourth gymnast of the world, but it does not allow the evaluation of E fight for the medals. And besides Sosnytsya in our country, no one can not jump. Including Maria Apiary.

The situation on the bars is also not happy, despite the bronze Darya Spiridonova: dc = 6.6125, Df = 6.4875, Dmed = 6.700. Do Spiridonova D = 6.4, y Mustafina - 6.3.

On a log df = 6.175, Df = 5.9375, Dmed = 6.033. Low value Dmed reflects the fact that the bronze Aliya Mustafina won the complexity of the program 5.5. Of course, the medal (and even participate in the final) with this assessment D to an amusing incident. We have the highest rating received D Maria Harenkova - 6.3, but it did not make the finals.

In floor exercise, dc = 6.1375, Df = 6.150, = 6.300 Dmed. Our leader - Aliya Mustafina with D = 6.2 and a bronze medal. Five gymnasts in Nanning showed complexity higher than Aliya Mustafina. But in our team to the result D Mustafina nobody comes close.

From the presented data it is evident that our women's team is far behind the leaders in the complexity of programs and only Mustafina today has a chance to medal in the individual shells.

So what conclusions can be drawn from the presented very brief analysis? And the findings are disappointing. Of course, you can not compare the performance of 2010-2012 to and data 2014-2016g.g. You can not compare the 2010 World Cup and 2014 GG But four years ago, our women's team was a D-4 and D-3 on a par with the United States team, dramatically behind in 2011 and was not able to catch up in 2012.

Today the situation is different. Our team is already significantly inferior team, the United States and China on the D-4 and D-3, and whether to reduce it, the big question. And most importantly, with someone to reduce this gap.

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