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Deputy Ksenia Afanasyeva - I'll not retire from sport

Lupita translates an article from local news service Tulska Izvestya that confirms the good news of Ksenia Afanasyeva's intention to continue in gymnastics.

Deputy Ksenia Afanasyeva: So far
 I have no intention to leave sport

Моscow, October 16thSilver medallist at the 2012 London Olympics, Ksenia Afanasyeva, will continue her career in artistic gymnastics.

Her mandate as Deputy at the city elections in Bogoroditsk won't lead to her leaving gymnastics, stated Afanasyeva in an interview she gave to the Russian Ministry of Sports website.

"After the end of a sports career, life must go on. I won’t be always in sport. Nevertheless, I dont intend to quit any time soon. My future aims are the Russian Championships, the European Championships and the 2013 Universiade

I want to become Deputy because I want to help people. I’ll have the opportunity to do so in the city’s council. Bogoroditsk is located in the Tula region, where I come from. I have families who live near the city. They support me in this enterprise ",  said Afanasyeva.


  1. Nobody photographs as beautifully as Kseniia, I swear her gymnastics doesn't have a bad moment.

  2. Good for her, hopefully she can make a difference, but I know that Khorkina did politics as well, not sure if she was able to make a difference.

    It's nice to see that Ksenia would be doing something else and not coaching as many do.


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