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The Russian team in training yesterday - photograph AND BREAKING NEWS

Some kind soul - an anonymous contributor - sent RRG a link to this photograph of our team in training just yesterday, listening carefully to the feedback of international judge and member of the FIG WTC Liubov Andrianova-Burda.  Another kind person - Natalia Kalugina - was present.  She tells me that Seda Tutkhalyan is working hard to overcome her psychological problems - and that we should watch her at the Games.  Aliya Mustafina is working hard.  Ksenia Afanasyeva (not in the picture; I believe that she is at a clinic in Khimki) can do floor, but her form isn't great at present as she is still in recovery.  Beam is going well for the team, vault and bars are OK, floor is still rather disappointing; the choreography is poor.

In the picture we can see (top) Anton Stolyar, coach, bars (middle) Marina Bulashenko, coach, beam; Seda Tutkhalyan, Aliya Mustafina, Daria Spiridonova, Natalia Kapitonova, Angelina Melnikova, Maria Paseka and (half in, half out) the choreographer, Olga Burova.  In front of the girls is Liubov Andrianova-Burda, and in the foreground (I think) we have Marina Nazarova, who in addition to being Afanasyeva's personal coach is also now a beam coach to the national team.

I know that things are uncertain now; WADA's McLaren report will be published at 9 am Toronto time today, so we are all on tenterhooks about that, and news of the scandal has reached the ears of our team.  It cannot be easy for them.  It's such a pressured time.  For reasons outlined in earlier posts, I think it is unlikely that the IOC will do anything drastic, but the uncertainty must be driving the gymnasts mad, and it's all so damned unfair.

Today (18th July) - Angelina Melnikova's birthday (send her good wishes on Instagram @gelyamelnikova)
                              - Press day at Lake Krugloye
                              - The McLaren Report will be published

Tomorrow (19th July)  - Maria Paseka's birthday (send her good wishes on Instagram at @maxah1995)
                                     - final team selections will be confirmed at a control competition.

Wednesday (20th July) - Final team selections will be formally announced at a press conference organised by the Russian Olympic Committee

Thursday (21st July) - Russia's case at the Court for Arbitration in Sport will be heard.  Russia is appealing the banning of its track and field athletes from the coming Olympic Games.

Sunday (24th July) - the gymnasts fly to Rio, and on arrival they will take up occupation of their accommodation in the Olympic village.

On the 5th August the Olympic opening ceremony will take place

E&OE, and all my own mistakes as I am writing this rather rapidly on my way to work.

One thing I would like to say, sports are once again the victim of politics here.  This is such a pity.  Sport has the power to create friendships and to transform international relations.  If this has been subverted by Russia's Government, then it is a crying shame.  But two wrongs do not make a right, it is clear that USADA and CCES have behaved abominally and in gymnastics the athletes are not to blame.  I hope and trust that the IOC will formulate a fair and workable solution to this nasty problem that will care for the innocent as well as punish the culpable, and finally enable our gymnasts to make their own case in Rio.

Added - more pictures of the gymnasts during a visit by Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko to their training on Friday 15 July - and this time, the girls are smiling :-).  Thanks, Anonymous!


Valentina Rodionenko says in RSport (interview with Alexander Barmin) that the second control competition took place yesterday.  Ksenia Afanasyeva is in hospital with kidney stones and, as we know, Natalia Kapitonova has taken over the second reserve spot from Evgeniya Shelgunova.  Angelina Melnikova is struggling with her hamstring (an old injury) and stepped down from the floor mat halfway through her exercise - Rodionenko says she feels that this is lack of experience rather than severity of injury, and is something they need to work on.  Aliya Mustafina is working hard, and enduring pain. 

Only one of the gymnasts fell off beam during this control competition.  Of the three finalists, there were no serious errors.  Bars are still their strongest apparatus, and there the team's main competition will be China.  But competition is competition, we'll have to wait and see.

The FIG has weighed in - they are opposed to a blanket ban of all Russian athletes and say that the gymnasts should be allowed to compete based on their record of clean tests.

Related reading on RRG

No Russia for Rio?

'Our gymnasts will stand proud'

Related reading from Inside the Games

Russia holds its breath

And finally - precisly which Performance Enhancing Drug does a gymnast have to take, to be able to do this better?



    I was waiting to see if FIG would weigh in on the possibility of a blanket ban since some other sports federations already have. Hers's their statement - they're opposed.

    I have no idea if this means much in the grand scheme of things, but it's good to see the FIG is supporting them publicly.

    On a lighter note, so many birthdays recently!

    1. Thanks so much.
      Birthdays - an opportunity for cake. May well be needed if any of them are comfort eaters.

  2. Oh Russians are the best in my opinion. Not to be rude or something but these girls are just great. And I love how they dress too. Some of their outfits inspired me to create your own gymnastics leotard and now I'm a fan and a businesswoman as well

  3. Queen Elizabeth, you forget that today ( 18 july) is Sargey Starkin birthday to :)

    1. :-). I have truly made a dreadful mistake and hope that Sergei isn't too hurt. Will correct my omission later X

  4. So much sad and bad news. Can this team ever get a break?! So it seems safe to say that Afan is out. I hope Melnikova's great form and fortune doesn't run out before Rio. Please Seda stay on beam in Rio.
    I doubt there will be a blanket ban on Russia. This should teach Russian government to not sanction doping even in the slightest or limited way. Otherwise innocent athletes pay the price. I don't blame the west for this. It is Russia's fault but still I hope a blanket ban is not carried out

  5. ^ Are you really going to allow this comment to remain on your blog? If so, I am finished with this site.

    1. I think the words used might be a bit too much, but at the same time, the way the USA and Canada are acting towards a whole nation is just stupid!!!
      And yes, the IOC shouldn't even consider what those two had to say, everything seems pretty shady to me, USA, as always, trying to tell the world what they are supposed to do, no wonder they are the most hated country in the world!!!!

    2. I agree. People can disagree politely, and name-calling is not necessary to express one's opinion. Please don't let someone's disrespectful word choices speak for your wonderful site!

  6. There was one very racist comment that should have made the post an obvious rejection to be sent through for all to read. I cannot support that either.


    1. It is racist and you know it.


    2. Dear all, I want to apologise for the horrible and racist comments that appeared on this blog. This morning, I switched off moderation as I wanted to encourage participation and also you are all so sensible and interesting that I thought it would be OK. I am also doing quite a lot of blogging at the moment alongside my full time job, and i wanted to try to manage my workload. Unfortunately, one person has spoiled that, and I am now going back to moderating all comments. Please accept my apologies once again, and keep posting! That person's comments will not be published here again.

  7. Thank you for removing those comments. Your site is wonderful and deserves nothing but respect!

  8. Its unfortunate reading about the Russian floor situation to go from such great routines in 2008 and 2012 to what we have now is baffling to me. Does anyone have an idea how floor became such a weak piece for the Russians?

    1. Well... in the beginning Rodionenkos fired Alexandrov and Ushakova(national team choreographer 2008-2012), also they fired Ganina in 2015 :/ now Raisa only trainings Mustafina bb/fx choreography ( 3-4 times a week, bcz Aliya need her help)

  9. I am sure these girls will be in Rio. I am American, but have been following the the team going back to when all the republics competed together (the Soviet days). They could really use those girls from Belarus, the Ukraine, and so on, right now. I am hoping the US wins gold, but hope Russian is on the podium as well. I hope Simone and Gabby goes one, two in the all-around, and hopefully Melnikova or Seda will share the bronze with Shang from China. I like them all, Mustafina included. I am sure Steingruber will be in the mix as well.

  10. Question: Who was the alternate for Russia at the World Championships 2015? Just curious.

    1. Shelgynova was alt for Russia at the World Championships 2015 in women's team and as well Lankin in men's .

  11. side note...back in time Slava Fetisov was one of those who created the WADA monster

  12. Queen Elizabeth, today was another training test on Round Lake to Rio preperation, here you can find photoset to russian new leotard(thanks to Zelikson) leotard are ugly as hell! Aliya looks square in it :/

    1. WHAT IS THAT LONG SLEEVED LEO! PLZ NO. This has to be a practical joke because this is NOT what Russia’s going in

    2. Well, it is as ugly as the whole situation. This is Valentina R taste. Can you do anything about it? No. So what the heck! Move on! who cares any more! Lets enjoy seeing Alexandrov's Brazil on the podium. I feel bad for the Russian girls.


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