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Khorkina - Russian gymnastics must go for gold in Rio

"In Rio, we must go and win"

In an interview with Oksana Tonkacheeva of Novyi Izvestia, two-time Olympic champion Svetlana Khorkina has expressed some outspoken opinions about the Russian team and the forthcoming Olympics.   The occasion is her appointment as First Deputy Chief of CSKA (Moscow CSKA is the home club of Aliya Mustafina and Anastasia Grishina).  This is a significant development - the appointment was made by Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu.  World champion biathlete Svetlana Ishmuratova has been appointed to a similar position.  The overall head of CSKA is Colonel Baryshev.

[Ed's note - It is interesting to see the growing profile of CSKA as a national force in implementing training strategy in the Russian Federation.]

Svetlana says she is grateful for the confidence the Minister placed in her and that she feels she has always been able to make a difference to Russia's performance in the sporting arena.  'I hope that my knowledge and skills will be useful in this new position.'

'The first task is to help CSKA Moscow athletes prepare for  Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. I will also interact with federal legislative and executive authorities, working with the deputies and Federal Council, to engage in development of summer sports in CSKA youth schools'

When asked about the ban placed in Russian track and field athletes at the Olympics, because of doping, Svetlana replied - 

'When I was the leader of the Russian national team in gymnastics, I was always first to take doping tests and was judged not as the rest - in general, the requirements were increased.'  She goes on to say that usually the most stringent regulations are applied to the best in the world, and that if people were trying to tarnish Russia's reputation, they wouldn't succeed.   Russia's athletes are amongst the best in the world and they are quietly preparing, everything is continuing as normal.  

Sports Minister Vitaly Mutko is working to rectify the situation.  The doping problem isn't limited to Russia and everyone should be on an equal footing - 'there are unscrupulous doctors, coaches and athletes everywhere'.  She really hopes that athletes like Elena Isinbayeva and Anna Shisherova will be allowed to compete and win gold medals.

Russian gymnasts should be able to contend for medals in Rio.  There were some issues in Glasgow last year at the World Championships.  They didn't have time to put things right then.  For example, 'our girls did not have enough stamina and confidence'.  She says that you should always be able to show your best at a top competition, regardless of the competition or problems with injury.

She very much hopes that Russia will continue its tradition set in Atlanta, Sydney and London and take gold on bars. 'Honestly, it seemed absurd to me that four gold medals were awarded in Glasgow. In my opinion, this is wrong. The complexity of the program, the basic evaluation and execution in four athletes just cannot be exactly the same!'  Besides this, Russia should also medal in team, all around, vault ...

'Our guys are wonderful, very talented, but they need 'a sports rage', a desire to work even harder.  They are capable of competing for medals in team, rings, vault and floor.  Maybe it sounds corny, but you just have to train more and focus all your strength on the result.  If you work hard, without any self-indulgence, everything will come together.  You won't just have self-belief, you will be able to do everything... Remember the phrase - 'win before the start'?  It's very true.  Opponents can feel your psychological state - so I want to wish all who are preparing for the Olympic Games: believe in yourself, and succeed!'

source -


  1. In new interview Komova tell that she will quit after rio and before plan to compete only in RC EC RC. Many other things also but this is main goals. Also in Rio she will be happy by silver or bronze...

    1. Thank you! Good luck to Vika ... Four competitions seems quite a lot to me!

    2. You're welcome!Also she tell that plan to upgrade till London Programs in AA till Rio and will compete in AA.


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