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Andrew Rodionenko:
"Level of complexity grown so much,
That it is time to stop this process "

Photo © Alexey Ivanov
pictured Andrew Rodionenko
During the open training for journalists at Moscow-based "Round Lake" head coach of the Russian national team Andrey Rodionenko noticed he did not think the veterans team Maxim Devyatovskiy and Anton Golotsutskova undisputed contenders for a place in the national team, and not at all sure that these gymnasts will be able to selected for the October World Championships in Tokyo - has grown to such an extent the Russian domestic competition. And after the end of classes Rodionenko answered a few questions correspondent "SE".
- If you had to create a team right now ...
- It would have been impossible. Because it has not held the competition, where all the kids would act together. At tournaments, they went only separately. One should also consider the format of the competition. And he was with us at the World Cup is expected zhutchayshy. It will be necessary to qualify, then begins the team finals, after it - the final-round, and finally the finals on individual shells. Each of these events taking place in its format. And athletes in the team should be a total of six.
- How do you explain such a powerful rise of competition in the Russian team?
- It's happening across the world men's gymnastics. The highest competition was on April the European Championships that at a recent executive committee of the European Gymnastics Union (UEG) was noted by all my colleagues. Immediately thereafter, a symposium was held under the new rules of the Olympic cycle, there is also said that the gymnastics men's progressing with giant strides while women significantly losing ground.
Personally, I attribute this primarily to the fact that the men's gymnastics athletes "live" much longer than in the female. Sports age girls is very short. Centenarians type Svetlana Khorkina is not available. Conditions are so severe that survive more than one Olympic cycle in women's gymnastics impossible. Those who remain in the sport for a longer period or lose their competitive edge, or be limited to one - two shells. As an ex-world champion on the uneven bars, Elizabeth Twiddle from the UK.
- In addition, gymnastics has become increasingly complex.
- Difficulty really grew to such an extent that it is time to think about how to stop this process.
- Do you think this is possible?
- Why not? To do this, you just need to make the grade for the quality of performance prevailed over the assessment of the complexity. Athletes to become more profitable to demonstrate good quality rather than poor execution elements of ultra-si.
- What information and from whom are now getting coaches and athletes in respect of environmental and radiation conditions in Tokyo?
- At the Executive Committee of the International Gymnastics Federation (FIG), which was held in May in California, were announced the results of research carried out by the medical commission FIG. According to them in the Tokyo area, there is no threat. Despite this we feel some concern. - Especially in relation to the women's team, as most girls - minors and worry about them not only we, but also parents who want to hear the sound and reasonable answers to all your questions. We were in Russia came the secretary general of the Japanese Gymnastics Federation, Mr. Watanabe, who also assured that the situation in Tokyo is within the normal range, is carefully controlled and does not cause any concern. Arrival Watanabe was a kind gesture of goodwill. As he himself said, Japan is experiencing tremendous respect for Russia and the Russian gymnastics, which in many respects considers to be the standard of quality. All the guys had the opportunity to ask any questions Watanabe, to which he responded and promised to send us the official papers confirming all that has been said orally.
All of these materials I have already received. So the concern though remains, but it is not as sharp as it was at the beginning.
- Are you planning to leave the team at the final stage of preparation in any closer to Japan's space - for acclimatization?
- No. Let's go to Tokyo close to the competition - October 1, since 3 October we have planned first official training on the platform. Long stay in Japan before the competition really gives a more complete acclimatization, but this is not necessary. We are fully prepared for action on those shells, which will be held the World Cup, we have to "round" are almost similar models, so three days before the first exit on the platform - ample time. Before the start of the competitions we will be 5-7 days, and it is exactly the same period in which the body has time to adjust to the new conditions. In this regard, we have enough successful experience of the Olympic Games in Beijing.
- Given the fact that the World Cup is a qualifying for the Games in London, the most important for us to be part of a championship qualification?
- Theoretically it is. A little fight will go on throughout all the finals. Tokyo will be selected eight teams. Four more will be added as a result of the January test events. But in personal forms to be tough and protracted struggle. Suffice it to say that only one qualification will go on for two days. In total, we will be in Japan from the first to the 17th of October, and it is - a very long time. Olympic regulations in this respect more "gentle" - allows the athletes to rest more.
- You have a team provide for the position of psychologist that works with athletes during training?
- Let's start with the fact that in Russia there is simply no sports psychologists. Besides, I have always held the view that the best psychologist for an athlete - his personal trainer. And to help the psychologist must first coach. Yes, we need such assistance. But to find a qualified person is not easy.
In terms of medicine, the Russian Gymnastics Federation is now invited to help us very good experts. Head of the Medical Group - Russian. He professor who for many years headed the department of non-traditional Chinese medicine in one of the Novosibirsk research institutes. In September, he should come to us for collection, and someone from his group necessarily go along with us in Tokyo.
- How effective such assistance?
- It goes beyond traditional medical advice. This Chinese acupuncture, various herbal drugs, a number of methodological approaches that are only used in this clinic. All this is very serious. Without serious medical dragged to the sport is very miserable existence.
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