First of all, the gymnasts are continuing to work on their applications to compete as neutral individuals in FIG competitions. I know for sure that the applications will include Viktoria Listunova and Angelina Melnikova. Please bear in mind that Russia still won't be competing as a team. There will be limits on the numbers of gymnasts they can send to each competition, but I don't know how this will be decided or how the qualifications to Worlds will work. Or if qualified individual gymnasts will even be allowed to go to the Olympics. Will the gymnasts take their own personal coaches with them, or will the national coaches accompany them? It's all a mystery. The national team rosters for 2025 have been published and not much has changed. The list of coaches seems almost identical. Head coaches are still the Rodionenkos, Alfosov remains as head of the men's team and Bulgakova is still looking after the women. Mustafina has kept her job as head of...
Reporting and analysing Russian gymnastics since 2010. Includes original and exclusive interviews with leading coaches and gymnasts, and historical issues dating back to the Soviet Union. The first blog to report extensively on the sport using Russian language sources.