I saw the poster on the wall of the gym and it surprised my teacher when I asked if I could go. She had noticed that I didn't exactly love PE ... But I loved gymnastics and I wanted to see my favourite, Olga Korbut. My friends Elaine Richardson, Janet Brooks and Mary Andronowski wanted to come too. We set out in the school coach, all of us excited. I wore my best purple dress and purple eye shadow and had my little Kodak camera in my bag. I remember the excitement when we arrived and parked up at Wembley, only a few steps away from the Trident studio where rock band Queen had recorded some of their first album! I half expected to see them there :-). We found our seats, up in the higher echelons of the Grand Tier. There was a strong smell of popcorn. Scampering school children made the boards beneath our feet echo, seats around us snapped up and down, lending the impression of an ever moving sea rather than an attentive audience. But ...
Reporting and analysing Russian gymnastics since 2010. Includes original and exclusive interviews with leading coaches and gymnasts, and historical issues dating back to the Soviet Union. The first blog to report extensively on the sport using Russian language sources.