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Maria Paseka - 'I want to continue'

After winning her silver medal on vault yesterday, Maria Paseka said she does not want to end her career, and will take a decision later, based on her health.

'I will go to Germany for treatment, then take a holiday in Spain, and then I will look at it', she told reporters.

'I have a drug test now.'   When asked how often the team had been tested - 'on our arrival at the village some of the guys were tested in the morning, then I was tested the next morning.  Angelina was tested on the first and second day.  It was better than at the London Olympics where they did all of the testing at once.  Everyone had to sit in a room and wait.



  1. I think the Russian girls are taking note of how the American girls managed successful comebacks. Smart decision to let your body rest instead of immediately going back at it. Komova and Afanasyeva learned that the hard way and Paseka barely made it.

  2. i understand maria was injured, judging by the amount of tape on her thighs but well done, we need more vaulters like you in russia.
    that amanar in the team final though was the best amanar i've seen her perform till date. kudos :)
    also, i admire the brave attempt by oksana and karmakar to perform a produnova. but why do it, if u haven't perfected it and will lose a lot in deductions. shouldn't u perform lower D value vaults cleanly? after all, the medalists on the podium proved that execution is rewarded than difficulty.

    1. I can not watch vault finals after seeing so many serious injuries. I have not watched a vault final since the 2000 Olymppics, when the judges screwed up the vaults scared me. The Prudonova terrifies me. An Amanar makes my stomach hurt with nerves. Even the girls who have perfected them with proper training equipment (i.e. Russians, American, Chinese) I can not watch. I just wait to read then watch later.

    2. I feel like Maria gave it her best for the team finals! She is such a fighter and I am so happy for her silver.

    3. They can get more with a fallen Prodonova than a clean simple vault. The problem is that there are only so many deductions that the judges can take being that Vault is basically a single move compared to the other apparatus where there are a bunch of moves open to deduction.

      I think the FIG needs to double the severity of execution deductions on vault. Most of the vaults in this WAG final were a mess. Crossed legs, bent knees etc. Paseka passed over the table on one of her vaults with her legs in a complete straddle.

      Anyway if you want to see the double front done properly, just watch the MAG vault. They all do it properly.

    4. I agree. A fall on vault should incur much larger deduction. A fall on any other apparatus, is far more crippling, and yet, vault is the absolute shortest. I don't know if I would say that form deductions should be doubled, but then again, I really think that something needs to be done about those throwing difficult vaults for the d score, when they can't actually land them. I don't follow Dipa, by any means, but I do follow others and major competitions, but Dipa had been doing the vault for years and the only thing she's consistently shown, is falling or sitting it. She sat it very obviously, in event finals, but was celebrating because her feet hit first and she didn't go flying forward, so it would still be a big score. Which is ridiculous. And Hong's scary, under rotated attempt at a TTY wear awful to watch. I was so glad she wasn't hurt. But if they don't change things, people will keep doing stuff like that. I mean, falling on any other event crushes the score. When was the last time we saw a bars, beam, or floor event finals (at worlds or Olympics) where someone medalled even though they fell?! That happens all of the time with vault. I know that this would never happen, but maybe having deductions applied differently or higher deductions just for the vault finals.... But then you get into other big issues with qualifications. I don't know. They need to do something though.

    5. The last 3 Worlds and in ths Olympics all the 3 didn't fall on Vault, Beam (not considering Biles' mistake on Beam as fall) and Floor. 1 point of deduction is too much, LOL.

  3. Paseka is delightful, I love not only to watch her gymnastics, but also how she treats others, during competition.

  4. 2007 worlds: Li Shanshan (CHN) silver medalist on beam with a fall on a Y spin.
    2008 Olympics: Cheng Fei (CHN) bronze medalist on vault, fall on Cheng
    2016 Olympics: Simone Biles (USA) bronze medalist on beam, hands down on front tuck
    So it's possible to medal with a huge mistake. If Simone fell on floor, she would've gotten bronze. At 2009 worlds, He Kexin still would've won gold on bars had she fallen.

  5. 2012 Olympics: Mckayla Maroney (USA) silver medalist on vault,fall on Mustafina

  6. Yes Mustafina won the bronze in the All Around even though she fell on Beam. Everyone on youtube argues about Aly Raisman's deduction for grabbing the beam. It would seam it's half a point depending on how major the event is because Tim Daggett clearly said it was a full point off but everyone on youtube keeps saying it's only half. Odd


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