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Good luck to Russia!

The #Russian artistic #gymnastics team competes later today in team final at #olympics2016.  Good luck!


  1. Does anyone know how we can watch the live stream in the US? Or if there is a free live stream online?

    1. Google Match Tv Arena channel's stream. They showed every Russian performance with Emin Garibov as one of the commentators.

    2. NBC has live streaming for each apparatus. They also have replays for everything! The app for smart phones and tablets is great! But I think its only for the US.

  2. I am not going to watch TF tonight. I just cant, my cant cant take another TF. She is going to sue me if i do. I will be looking for results.

  3. OMG. They made it!!!! Silver!!!! I said I wouldn't watch but I did. I am literally soabing and my cat has gone under the bed. Congrats girls. Congrats Elizabeth!

  4. Congratulations to the silver medalists. Russia goes home with two team silvers. That is an amazing job to the gymnasts. Russian moment of the meet, Seda hitting beam!!!

  5. Congrats to the Russian Team - they won the silver! It was a tight competition for silver and bronze. Going into the last rotation I thought China was a lock for silver and Japan for bronze. It was so nice to see the Russians smile, cry for joy, hug, cry for more joy, and rejoice.


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