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European Championships - junior and senior WAG nominative registrations now available

Find junior and senior nominative registrations for European Gymnastics Championships 2016 here.  Russian teams in the pictures attached.  Remember these can change right up to the day of competition.


  1. Oh no ... Spiridonova on FX = throw in the garbage team gold. Maybe they pick Seda for FX and Paseka stay home, cuz Aliya can bring pretty good DTY, instead of Paseca awful Cheng/amanar from this season

  2. Hi Queen E, is the far right column to indicate the events gymnast plan to compete? Also I like the change to blue, unless it's just my reader.

    1. Yes, and the order. But these always change.
      :-). The colour is supposed to be purple. A tribute to Prince.

    2. Maybe also a tribute to Queen?) cuz purple is her favorit colore ;D

    3. since when has paseka stopped floor? even she would be an improvement on spiridonova

    4. Who compete what will change after podium training I am sure. No need to go crazy yet.

  3. Everyone’s wondering who will really put foot on the stage at Bern for russia team and i wonder if Aliya will wear a bun or a ponytail there? :-)

  4. Oh no. Daria Spiridonova?

  5. Why not? They got a great Team Manager/Head Coach/Media Specialist that has been hands on lately and calling some shots! Maybe They managed to get Spiridonova to upgrade her difficulty on FX. Why not :)


  6. Here's a preview of Mustafina's new FX
    She now has a quad turn "Mustafina" :P

  7. Oh god. Why is Daria on Floor? Also, I'm not liking that they are using Afanseyva for 3 events. They are going to burn her out! I want Afanseyva to go to Rio so bad!

    I think instead of Daria, they should have put Seda. Seda could have done Beam instead of Afanseyva thus reseting Afanseyva and giving them a much higher beam total AND she can also preform a better floor than Daria. Daria is EASILY replaceable on bars. Yes, she is world champion and well no one can presently score as high, no matter what line up they come up with, Russia will have a strong bars rotation. Paseka can score High 14's easily on bars which is good enough.

    I really feel like they just won't give Seda another chance. I mean she failed so miserably at worlds that I understand but even then, Russia is going to be loosing out especially seeing how consistent she has been in the last competitions

    1. Hold on ... I am hearing that Paseka is in hospital with a back injury. If she is out, that may favour Seda, who can do bars and vault reasonably well ... so maybe we'll have a team with Daria AND Seda. Here's hoping that Maria recovers well, that Seda gets her chance, and that the coaches see fit to let her compete on all four pieces - where I believe she can make a contribution,

    2. I really think Seda is fighting for one of Paseka or Afanasyeva's Rio "spots". I guess she'd replace Melnikova if needed as well. But she doesn't have the bars to replace Mustafina or Komova on that event (I am going off V-Rod's current idea of the Rio team), so if one of those two can't go Russia will first look to take a bars girl, of which Daria is the best and most consistent. They want a medal on that event and even if Fan Yilin of China is now likely the favorite to win thanks to her hugely difficult routine, bars is still Russia's best chance for a gold on the women's side. So Seda and Daria are fighting for different spots. Maybe things will change in June, but at least for right now I believe that's the case.

      That being said, I would like for both Seda and Daria to go to Euros. It's a shame if Maria Paseka is injured and I hope she recovers, but I'd prefer Seda to go over her anyway, especially if they were only going to have her vault. And although I know it would only hurt Russia right now, I wish Euros were 5-4-3 in qualifications instead of 5-3-3.

    3. No this is horrendous news! I wanted Daria to be replaced not Paseka and especially not out with an injury.

      Hope she is well and can continue to train for the olympics because they are a couple of months away and if its serious, then a comeback is not happening this late in the olympic cycle

  8. New interview from Starkin about Mustafina and Ablyazin preparation to ECh in Bern PS he tells about Aliya health and also she will prepare new very difficult UB program to Rio

  9. New Afanasyeva interview came today and some things is interesting to be mention 1) She tell that Russia will haw difficulties in team event in Bern and 2) She not mention Komova like Rio team contender at all! 3) She wants Rio individual medal so so badly...

  10. V.Rod says that Pasekas spot at Euro team will take Kapitonova, not Seda, bcz of cool parformences at RN PS bay bay team medal for Russian team....


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