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Congratulations Russia! Nagorny and Tutkhalyan win multiple golds in Youth Olympics

Two great young Russian champions emerged this week in China at the Youth Olympics ... Seda Tutkhalyan from Moscow (2 golds, including the coveted all around, and a silver on the floor) and Nikita Nagorny from Rostov on Don (3 golds, and a silver in the all around).

Nikita must have the biggest smile in gymnastics.  A strong, dynamic gymnast, he looks set to add considerable value the senior national team when he joins their ranks next year, as a secure all arounder plus, who can contribute to pommel horse scores.  

These Youth Olympics were characterised by friendship and happiness; Nikita personified these Olympic values as he expressed the joy of competing, treating victory and disaster alike with his broad, humourous smile.  

Let's not loose sight of the fact that this young man is an outstanding gymnast, a leader of his generation who obviously relishes close competition.

Seda Tutkhalyan expressed outstanding maturity and sportsmanship this week as she gracefully won her two gold medals.  The diminutive gymnast possesses a great combination of power and technique, and is another much needed all arounder for Russia.   Her refreshing approach to competition combines a philosophical determination with a gritty acceptance of the realities of life at the top.   Her facial expressions in Nanjing embraced concentration, concern for her fellow gymnasts, celebration both of her own and fellow gymnasts' achievements, and a priceless moment of mischievous delight on confirming the uneven bars gold was hers.  Cute and courageous, alongside the feisty Kharenkova, she looks likely to follow in the footsteps of team captain Mustafina as she makes her way to Rio.

Finally, Seda's favourite thing is cheesecake.  She certainly deserves a slice right now :-)


  1. I really liked Nikita ... he will be a great contribution to the russian MAG team

  2. yay Russian MAG. so happy. i like nikita a lot. his smile is beautiful.

  3. Do you know anything about following the Russian Cup? I know there likely won't me any live streams available but do you know anyone who may be live blogging it or posting results daily???

  4. It begins on Tuesday I think! I will post relevant links to live streaming etc nearer the time if available, and I understand that the Couch Gymnast will be in Penza!

  5. She's so freakin adorable. I hope she does well on the senior stage.

    Btw, I was wondering if there be some time in the future a follow-up to the Alexandrov story? Kind of a how is he doing in Brazil and the progress she's made.

    1. Glaucia might have some news ...

      I'm interested in Alexandrov as a gymnastics coach of the Russian and Soviet teams ... interested in his philosophy of training and sport etc. So in a general way if an opportunity came up to do a piece on him, then I would. However, I won't be doing a catch up on his progress in Brazil, unless it directly pertains to his work in Russia in some way. You need to follow the Brazil gym blogs for that!

  6. Congrats to them. I didn't know much about Nikita, but it's nice to see another Russian male gymnast coming up. Need to work on his difficulty but he is doing well.

    Congrats to Seda as well, justified being pick for YOG. Love the camaraderie at the games between all gymnasts.

  7. Coming to these games following Komova's feat of 2010 YOG was the greatest nemesis for her. She is no Komova, but did well in the games. Good job Seda.


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