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CORRECTION - Grishina is a second Komova - Valentina Rodionenko

CORRECTION - Valentina Rodionenko said : 'Grishina is a second Komova', NOT that she is the Russian team's second all arounder.

This was my mistake, and not Lupita's. I apologise for the error which crept in as I hurriedly edited the piece while getting ready for a Saturday night out.

Thanks to Lupita, who helped me with translation of the key points from this brief television coverage of yesterday's women's all around.

Valentina Rodionenko says : it’s a shame that Nastia Grishina could not perform in this competition due to an injury, because she is a second Komova. The fourth all-arounder is Afanasyeva.

Vika Komova says : I’m not entirely satisfied with my performance yet. I still don’t perform the Amanar, I didn’t have time to work on it and I had some problems with my spins.

The rest is: Komova’s mum was a judge in the competition, Mustafina was second in the AA, first in the team competition


  1. I hate the new design. I liked it when your blog was easier to read. This new design gives me a headache.

    1. Hmm why? I think now is easier to read than it was before
      Can you please describe what exactly you don't like in new design please? I am very interested : )

    2. It would be helpful to have a little bit more detail about this.

      My blog does look different on the three different computers I use, and depending on which browser (Internet Explorer/Mozilla Firefox) I use. Sometimes the side bar doesn't show.

      These are standard templates from Blogger and I think they've still to iron out teething problems, so let me know feedback and I'll channel it to them.

      In the meantime, you do have the choice to customise the view by using the drop down menu at the top left ... maybe you will find classic more readable?

  2. This must mean that Mustafina is the third all-rounder, right?

    1. Yeah she should be, she is already named to the team. Not sure why Grishina is 2nd and Mustafina is 3rd though.

    2. Please see correction above ...

    3. yeah I saw it. Whew, I was wondering.

      Either way, I hope everyone will be in optimal form come Olympics, because the results from this meet are showing that Komova and Mustafina have a few things to work out, but the others have a lot of work to do.

  3. Hi Elizabeth, I don't agree with this translation of Rodionenko's words. She says that Grishina is like a second Komova. I do not take that to mean that she is the second all-rounder. I sent you an email just now cos I didn't see how to write a comment (new website design - my advanced age etc).

    1. Thanks Kristina ... I have made the correction - you are quite right! :-)

  4. Apologies everyone for the error (you'll see the correction above).

    Lupita's original translation was absolutely right and I suppose I must just have read what I wanted to read, then edited it accordingly!

    That'll teach me to rush my blog ...

  5. Balance Beam Top 3

    1) Viktoria Komova (6.3) 15.345
    2) Aliya Mustafina (6.1) 15.00
    3) Anna Dementyeva (6.4) 14.950

    Floor Exercise Top 3

    1) Aliya Mustafina (5.9) 14.750
    2) Viktoria Komova (5.8) 14.300
    3) Anastasia Sidorova (5.8) 14.150

    YAYYYYY! I believe they'll peak just in time for the Omypics! And Dementyeva is looking good to be that 5th member! ALIYA and VIKA 1 and 2!!!

  6. I find it interesting Anastasia Sidorova is fight for spot in team ha ?
    She was in interviews before promoted by russian media
    But this championship she was no good and yet named one of the 8 girls hopeful for London
    Rodinenko wouldn't support her if there was no some secret weapon in her pocket
    I am sure that all girls has something big for Olympiad the point is who can done it on control training : )

  7. Thanks for the results Anonyous. Nice to see Musty do better on floor and Beam this time. She is improving.

    Here is an article for the list of 8 men and women who are int he Russian training squad.

    I am not liking that Dementeyva is out. I think she should at least be on the training squad, because she can do beam and floor.

    Paseka, Nabieva and Sidorova are people I have very little confidence in whatsoever.

  8. if you're on VK you can watch some videos from the event finals. I find Vika's new floor choreo beautiful (she's so clever to go with Queen and Winehouse), but shame that her double pike still looks like it did in Tokyo. Aliya's turns are improving and her bars look flawless. And that beam! Not one wobble. The girls will peak just at the right time and they fill fly high, just like Vik one that double double!

  9. Its pass few days but Anna Dementieva's cut off team don't live me alone sob ...
    I know she was no good this year but there is time left she could clean up her routine by control training
    They could give her chance ......
    Surely i believe main coach knows what's he is doing but .......


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