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Blog finished

I’ve reached a time in my life when it’s more important to watch the birds and listen to my nephews and nieces laughing than it is to write about Russian gymnastics.  I  have a couple of ‘wrap ups’ in the pipeline but that’s all, folks.

The Olympics just aren’t the Olympics without the Russians, at least for me.  I wish Russia would put their energy into great sport instead of military endeavours.  I’m no fan of the IOC and the Russian gymnasts did a lot of good for peace and friendship over about 70 years.  But Russia’s leaders are letting their people down.  

I’ll continue to walk alongside Angelina Melnikova and will post occasional updates of her work and life on my RRG Facebook page.  She is remarkable.  

I hope that Russia’s young gymnasts can find a way to continue what is essentially their livelihood, if necessary by moving overseas.  It would be great if some of them could study abroad.

I’m unfollowing Nagorny.  He walked with a swagger round the competition hall at Russia Cup and was encouraging gymnasts to take up the draft and join their country’s military at war.  He always did talk too much.

Thank you for the journey - readers, gymnasts, coaches, Valentina Rodionenko.  I’ve loved you and will love you.  

Bye bye.  до свидания.


  1. Thank you for your insights and everything that went into your unique blog. Wishing you all the best in the future.

  2. Thanks for a great blog I have been reading from the start wishing you all the best.

  3. I will miss your blog. I will miss your great coverage and insights. Wishing you the best.

  4. Thanks for your great blog. I will miss you and wish you the best


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