If I find a link to any live streaming, I will post on my Facebook. This is good news for Viktoria, an Olympic and European champion who has been unable to compete at the highest level for more than two years because of the IOC ban on Russia, and because of injury. Viktoria is one of the gymnasts who is applying for neutral status. She will have been returned to the international testing bank for anti-doping, but I don’t know when there will be a final decision on her status. Both Viktoria and Angelina travelled to Italy in the last few weeks - they spent time with Russian/Italian coach Anton Stolyar - but Angelina has now returned to train at Round Lake. Not sure if this has any significance. But it is really great to have Viktoria back in competitions, and visible. Good luck to her whatever her plans. https://youtu.be/oUUnTNdNyDg?si=lpsAcjqpapX_6qng UPDATE - Photos of Vika Listunova with Kayla Nemours and her Italian team this week. V...
Reporting and analysing Russian gymnastics since 2010. Includes original and exclusive interviews with leading coaches and gymnasts, and historical issues dating back to the Soviet Union. The first blog to report extensively on the sport using Russian language sources.